Hey everybody!!
Well, it's time to say good-bye to San Francisco. I've had a great time here. I have tried to contact the media here, as that is what seemed like a good idea to do, since there are so many people around. I haven't had any luck yet, but maybe it will happen later down the road. It's in God's hands- He works things out better than I can anyway.
I have played a waiting game with the weather here. It has rained, threatened to rain, and everything in between. I find it hard to set out deliberately into the rain when I am in a warm, dry, cheap place- know what I mean? But anyways, it is time to move on. I am getting the itch to walk.
I have spent all my time here in a youth hostel. I highly recommend it if you don't mind communal living. There are people here from all over the world. My roommates last night were from England, Scotland, and Germany! The English guy was a riot! I couldn't catch everything he said, but I laughed anyways! They say we Americans talk slow- evidently we hear slow too! The room (a bed or bunk-bed) costs about $20 to $30 per night with showers and a free breakfast. Lunches and dinners are available for about $5 to $7.50- so all-in-all it is hard to beat! An international atmosphere with lots of energy and for cheap! My style!!
I am going to try to get up early tomorrow for my longest day yet- about 25 miles. I am going to try to make it to the Montara Lighthouse hostel for tomorrow night. It is down on the coast on highway 1, so I'll be back on the road again!
Thank you again for tuning in yet again,
thank you for listening,
God bless,
"The Walk" is a 500 mile walk to raise money for the "Coder kids"- a small group of Honduran children rescued by Bob and Joyce Coder from sexual and physical abuse in an orphanage. The contributions they rely on are down and so they need our help. This walk is to help them. Please visit their website at www.number7widowsmite.org. May God bless you, and I thank you, Craig G. Mesman
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hello again from San Francisco Friday Oct 29
Hello! Thanks for tuning in again!
I am still at the Ft. Mason hostel in San Francisco. I seem to be a bit stalled here! It is a fun and interesting environment- there are people here from all over the world. It is a great experience to get to know them. Actually, what I have spent most of my time doing is sitting in front of this thing- a computer! There is a long counter here with 5 pay computers on it. I swipe my VISA card to use the computer........and to go cross-eyed! I have been trying to rustle up some media coverage and so far my success is ZERO! On the bright side I am on a steep learning curve regarding the writing of a press release, how to distribute it, where to distribute it, and how to actually get it in front of someone who will perhaps pay attention to it. The news here is not like the news back home in Humboldt County! Here they do not have wide open channels through their doors, phones, or internet access. Things are tighter here. I'm sure that the abundance of people dictates that- there are probably some very interesting people that would like to get in the news here, and so access is restricted!! I also am here at a very inopportune time for my cause- at the same time as elections and the WORLD SERIES! You probably know that San Francisco and Texas are in the series. It is a great time to be here though. I was sitting in the dining commons yesterday when the Blue Angels screamed by just outside the window. The stadium is just right around the corner on the bay from where I am staying. People are driving around screaming, "Giants!!!" This will be a crazy place if they win. So far they are off to a very good start!
The weather here is unsettled and it rained last night. Today was decent, but it looks like tomorrow it is threatening some real rain! So I am still undecided as to what to do- hole up again or set out!?! I am enjoying myself but am getting the itch to get going again. This media-chasing thing is frustrating. I will leave it in God's hands for Him to work it out as it is meant to be. I tried and have done about all that I know how to do. It probably would have been a good idea to have learned how to do this before I left, and also to have done some of it too, but it will be okay. Maybe the media comes later, or not at all. Who knows. I still think the best way is the way I've been doing it- using all of you to spread the word via the internet. What I find frustrating is that here I am in the middle of tons of people, and it is difficult to try to reach them. I guess I feel that I should be making my best effort here and now because I am in the middle of a huge population center...
Here is something that I want to write about that is on my heart. I have served in a homeless ministry back home for over a year. I see the homeless here and on my walk. I met and got to know Molly. I see people looking at me and I know what some of them are thinking- "homeless guy with stroller." I know from experience that we cannot stereotype homeless people- they do not all fit into the same category. Some choose their lifestyle- some don't. Some would like to get out of where they are- some wouldn't. It actually is judgemental on our part to try to determine just what is best for them. We pity them because we perceive that they do not have the material things that we think they should have- you know, the things we have. I know from my walk so far that we really don't need that many things. I carry everything that I actually need. Food, water, shelter. I can't help but think about the people out there that don't have these basic necessities. Molly told me that people feel bad when they don't make eye contact with a homeless person. She said they feel bad because they know they should look. She said God is trying to make them look, so that they will see, and maybe then they will care. I am not trying to make you feel bad or guilty, but there are those of us out there who are on the margins of society. People who are human, but really aren't considered one of us. What do we do about that? I don't know that I have the answer. I do know that oftentimes we treat stray animals better than we treat street people. You know that's true. We wished that they would just go away. I help them when I can. I am happy when I really helped them, and am upset if I feel like I have been "played." I don't know what the answer is, but I do know this- we cannot rest until we do come up with an answer. The whole human family is only as healthy as its weakest member- whether that member is an orphan, an elderly person, or a person living on the streets. When I read all that I just wrote I realize that I have just judged also. We assume that since street people don't have what we have then they are probably not happy. Some of the people living on the streets are happy. I know from talking with them and getting to know them that some of them have their priorities straight. They know God. They trust God and have faith in Him. God is their protector and provider in a way that some other people do not value or even care to know. I know from experience that some of these homeless people are much more blessed than the people that pity them, because they know God- not all of them, but many of them. How strong is my faith? How strong is your faith? How much do I really love God? How much do you really love God? What would we do if we lost everything? What if all you had was your faith? Would it be enough to keep you happy? Do you value it that much? Do you know that God loves you and will provide for you if you have faith in Him? Things, material things, comfort, possessions, jobs, prestige, status, intelligence, looks, mates, money.....all the things we have because we believe we have earned them or deserve them......where are we and who are we if we don't have those things???????????? Can you use your imagination to put yourself in that place- the place where you don't have?? Maybe that is how we can start to come up with a suitable answer..........
Thank you for tuning in,
God Bless,
I am still at the Ft. Mason hostel in San Francisco. I seem to be a bit stalled here! It is a fun and interesting environment- there are people here from all over the world. It is a great experience to get to know them. Actually, what I have spent most of my time doing is sitting in front of this thing- a computer! There is a long counter here with 5 pay computers on it. I swipe my VISA card to use the computer........and to go cross-eyed! I have been trying to rustle up some media coverage and so far my success is ZERO! On the bright side I am on a steep learning curve regarding the writing of a press release, how to distribute it, where to distribute it, and how to actually get it in front of someone who will perhaps pay attention to it. The news here is not like the news back home in Humboldt County! Here they do not have wide open channels through their doors, phones, or internet access. Things are tighter here. I'm sure that the abundance of people dictates that- there are probably some very interesting people that would like to get in the news here, and so access is restricted!! I also am here at a very inopportune time for my cause- at the same time as elections and the WORLD SERIES! You probably know that San Francisco and Texas are in the series. It is a great time to be here though. I was sitting in the dining commons yesterday when the Blue Angels screamed by just outside the window. The stadium is just right around the corner on the bay from where I am staying. People are driving around screaming, "Giants!!!" This will be a crazy place if they win. So far they are off to a very good start!
The weather here is unsettled and it rained last night. Today was decent, but it looks like tomorrow it is threatening some real rain! So I am still undecided as to what to do- hole up again or set out!?! I am enjoying myself but am getting the itch to get going again. This media-chasing thing is frustrating. I will leave it in God's hands for Him to work it out as it is meant to be. I tried and have done about all that I know how to do. It probably would have been a good idea to have learned how to do this before I left, and also to have done some of it too, but it will be okay. Maybe the media comes later, or not at all. Who knows. I still think the best way is the way I've been doing it- using all of you to spread the word via the internet. What I find frustrating is that here I am in the middle of tons of people, and it is difficult to try to reach them. I guess I feel that I should be making my best effort here and now because I am in the middle of a huge population center...
Here is something that I want to write about that is on my heart. I have served in a homeless ministry back home for over a year. I see the homeless here and on my walk. I met and got to know Molly. I see people looking at me and I know what some of them are thinking- "homeless guy with stroller." I know from experience that we cannot stereotype homeless people- they do not all fit into the same category. Some choose their lifestyle- some don't. Some would like to get out of where they are- some wouldn't. It actually is judgemental on our part to try to determine just what is best for them. We pity them because we perceive that they do not have the material things that we think they should have- you know, the things we have. I know from my walk so far that we really don't need that many things. I carry everything that I actually need. Food, water, shelter. I can't help but think about the people out there that don't have these basic necessities. Molly told me that people feel bad when they don't make eye contact with a homeless person. She said they feel bad because they know they should look. She said God is trying to make them look, so that they will see, and maybe then they will care. I am not trying to make you feel bad or guilty, but there are those of us out there who are on the margins of society. People who are human, but really aren't considered one of us. What do we do about that? I don't know that I have the answer. I do know that oftentimes we treat stray animals better than we treat street people. You know that's true. We wished that they would just go away. I help them when I can. I am happy when I really helped them, and am upset if I feel like I have been "played." I don't know what the answer is, but I do know this- we cannot rest until we do come up with an answer. The whole human family is only as healthy as its weakest member- whether that member is an orphan, an elderly person, or a person living on the streets. When I read all that I just wrote I realize that I have just judged also. We assume that since street people don't have what we have then they are probably not happy. Some of the people living on the streets are happy. I know from talking with them and getting to know them that some of them have their priorities straight. They know God. They trust God and have faith in Him. God is their protector and provider in a way that some other people do not value or even care to know. I know from experience that some of these homeless people are much more blessed than the people that pity them, because they know God- not all of them, but many of them. How strong is my faith? How strong is your faith? How much do I really love God? How much do you really love God? What would we do if we lost everything? What if all you had was your faith? Would it be enough to keep you happy? Do you value it that much? Do you know that God loves you and will provide for you if you have faith in Him? Things, material things, comfort, possessions, jobs, prestige, status, intelligence, looks, mates, money.....all the things we have because we believe we have earned them or deserve them......where are we and who are we if we don't have those things???????????? Can you use your imagination to put yourself in that place- the place where you don't have?? Maybe that is how we can start to come up with a suitable answer..........
Thank you for tuning in,
God Bless,
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hello again on the 26th. Coming to you again from another hostel.......
Tonight I am at the Ft. Mason hostel in San Francisco. I walked across the Golden Gate Bridge today! It was a beautiful, sunny day and there were many people out enjoying the day and the sights. I've driven over this bridge many times, but have never walked over it. This hostel is right on the bay and it has a great view of the bridge off in the distance. Very pretty........
Today was fairly uneventful, aside from crossing the bridge! But yesterday was another story! Now I have time to tell you........... I stayed in San Rafael for two days- it gave me a chance to rest and to dry out. Let me tell you how I found a place to stay... I was walking in the rain through San Anselmo. I had spent the night in Samuel Taylor State Park and I really wasn't sure where I was going to spend the night. I want to tell you that my faith is noticeably stronger- I set out in the morning knowing that God would provide. We all have varying degrees of faith- mine needed some work, and it has been done. Looking back upon every day of this walk shows me undoubtedly that He has been there for me. As I was walking along the bike route, I noticed a bike shop-looking kind of place, but it looked a bit like a thrift shop too. It said something on the front about "The Bicycle Hub" and "tool-exchange", and some other things. I didn't get the impression that it was a regular bike shop so I kept going. A little voice said, "Go back and check it out." So I did. I shook the water off of myself and stepped inside. There was a woman sitting in the front window and a man helping a teen-ager work on his bike. I introduced myself and told them what I was up to. It turns out that they run a non-profit bike shop where kids can come in (or anyone) and learn how to work on their bikes for free! They were very gracious to me and gave me some hot tea, fruit, and an energy bar. I asked them about lodging and they recommended a motel in San Rafael, up ahead. She helped me with the directions- when I finally got there I realized that I would not have found this motel, or any, for that matter. I didn't see any motels in this area at all. My sincere thanks to these fine people. But that is not all. The proprietor of the shop asked me if I was fundamentally opposed to riding a bike, and I said no. "Why?", I asked. He offered to give me a bike with a trailer to keep and use to finish my journey!!! Is that great, or what? I thanked him very much, but told him that I really do like to walk. I wished them the best and set out in the rain again...
As I followed their directions, each time I took out the paper it kept getting wetter and wetter. As I was making my way up the street that the motel was supposed to be on I passed the Lincoln Hill Community Church. It was the only one that I had seen, and it was close to the motel. Shortly later I found the motel and checked in. Clean and cheap! Amen!! Do you know how welcome that dry, warm, secure place was with hot water, heat, towels, etc.? The things we take for granted................... The next day I did attend that church. I did not get to speak, as it was such short notice, but guess what? Guess where the pastor was from? Honduras!! Pastor Miguel Rodriguez. He took all my information about the kids and my blog and was very interested! He said he would definitely follow up on it! Amen!
The next day I headed out into the sun!!!! No more rain! Amen again! As I walked down the street I noticed a man sitting on the curb. I looked at him and recognized him. I knew him from Fortuna- the town across the river from Ferndale, California, where I live. He is a homeless man that came into my church asking for help. I remember giving him some money and also seeing him around town. I went ahead and walked on, but a little voice said to go back. I did. I told him that I remembered him from Fortuna and he remembered me. I gave him a little help and wished him well- you never know who you will run into and where!
I continued on, not really knowing just how I was going to navigate through the various cities along the day's route. I had several maps, and was doing okay until I got to a place that just didn't correspond well with my map. I saw a young lady talking to a man up ahead, then they finished and she headed my way. I stopped her and asked if she was from the area and she said yes. I asked her for some directions to help me navigate and she said she would draw me a map! Her name is Molly. Then she said, "I'll walk a ways with you, then I'll draw you a map." We walked a ways, and then she said, I'll just walk with you! So I had a walking tour guide! She walked me through the city streets......I don't think I would have been able to find my way. Amen! We talked about many things as we walked. She told me about her life. She is, like many of us, trying to be accepted by others, and trying to make sense of the world. I could sense her frustration and I told her, "You are the sane one, it is this world that is insane." She is an angel! If only the world had more people like her. I had the privelege of buying her some things she needed- it was the least I could do for all her help and the pleasure of her company. I am seeing something- I am not to just give, and I am not to just receive, I am to SHARE. Do you know what I mean? It is out of balance when we either just give or just receive. A healthy mix of giving and receiving enriches everyone, and this sharing touches the soul. Thank you Molly, for coming into my life and walking with me.
We prayed and said good-bye, and she got me to a well-marked bike path. I made my way south, headed for the Marin Headlands Youth Hostel. The last town along the way before heading in towards the hostel was Sausalito. I was walking along the street in downtown Sausalito and I happened to look down to another street at a level below the one I was on. I saw a young man walking along and I recognized his earrings. It was Gary from Elk! Remember Norman Devall and the young man from Elk named Gary? Norman had offered me a night aboard his sailboat in Sausalito, but I called him several days ago and he said that they would not be there. So, I am walking along and there is Gary! I called out, "Gary!" I think he was a bit concerned! He was surprised and glad to see me. Norman had left for a week, but Gary had stayed to work on a lady's sailboat. Gary went out of his way to walk with me and listen to my tales of the things that had happened since I saw him last. How about that? Two walking tour guides in the same day? Gary wished me well and I made my way to the hostel. I arrived at the hostel- it is in a beautiful setting. As I got there, I asked a lady who was unloading her car where the office was. She told me and we got to talking. She invited me to join her for dinner in Sausalito. I accepted and we had a wonderful evening of conversation. Thank you Karen!!!
God is good. I have to confess that I don't know that I really believed it myself always. I am believing it more all the time. Of course God is good. But there is something very humbling when you put yourself out there and he really does come through with flying colors. I think the key is, "......put yourself out there......." It is not testing Him , because He can do anything, it is testing ourselves........
Good night,
Thanks for tuning in,
God Bless,
Pray for the Coders and the Kids,
Tonight I am at the Ft. Mason hostel in San Francisco. I walked across the Golden Gate Bridge today! It was a beautiful, sunny day and there were many people out enjoying the day and the sights. I've driven over this bridge many times, but have never walked over it. This hostel is right on the bay and it has a great view of the bridge off in the distance. Very pretty........
Today was fairly uneventful, aside from crossing the bridge! But yesterday was another story! Now I have time to tell you........... I stayed in San Rafael for two days- it gave me a chance to rest and to dry out. Let me tell you how I found a place to stay... I was walking in the rain through San Anselmo. I had spent the night in Samuel Taylor State Park and I really wasn't sure where I was going to spend the night. I want to tell you that my faith is noticeably stronger- I set out in the morning knowing that God would provide. We all have varying degrees of faith- mine needed some work, and it has been done. Looking back upon every day of this walk shows me undoubtedly that He has been there for me. As I was walking along the bike route, I noticed a bike shop-looking kind of place, but it looked a bit like a thrift shop too. It said something on the front about "The Bicycle Hub" and "tool-exchange", and some other things. I didn't get the impression that it was a regular bike shop so I kept going. A little voice said, "Go back and check it out." So I did. I shook the water off of myself and stepped inside. There was a woman sitting in the front window and a man helping a teen-ager work on his bike. I introduced myself and told them what I was up to. It turns out that they run a non-profit bike shop where kids can come in (or anyone) and learn how to work on their bikes for free! They were very gracious to me and gave me some hot tea, fruit, and an energy bar. I asked them about lodging and they recommended a motel in San Rafael, up ahead. She helped me with the directions- when I finally got there I realized that I would not have found this motel, or any, for that matter. I didn't see any motels in this area at all. My sincere thanks to these fine people. But that is not all. The proprietor of the shop asked me if I was fundamentally opposed to riding a bike, and I said no. "Why?", I asked. He offered to give me a bike with a trailer to keep and use to finish my journey!!! Is that great, or what? I thanked him very much, but told him that I really do like to walk. I wished them the best and set out in the rain again...
As I followed their directions, each time I took out the paper it kept getting wetter and wetter. As I was making my way up the street that the motel was supposed to be on I passed the Lincoln Hill Community Church. It was the only one that I had seen, and it was close to the motel. Shortly later I found the motel and checked in. Clean and cheap! Amen!! Do you know how welcome that dry, warm, secure place was with hot water, heat, towels, etc.? The things we take for granted................... The next day I did attend that church. I did not get to speak, as it was such short notice, but guess what? Guess where the pastor was from? Honduras!! Pastor Miguel Rodriguez. He took all my information about the kids and my blog and was very interested! He said he would definitely follow up on it! Amen!
The next day I headed out into the sun!!!! No more rain! Amen again! As I walked down the street I noticed a man sitting on the curb. I looked at him and recognized him. I knew him from Fortuna- the town across the river from Ferndale, California, where I live. He is a homeless man that came into my church asking for help. I remember giving him some money and also seeing him around town. I went ahead and walked on, but a little voice said to go back. I did. I told him that I remembered him from Fortuna and he remembered me. I gave him a little help and wished him well- you never know who you will run into and where!
I continued on, not really knowing just how I was going to navigate through the various cities along the day's route. I had several maps, and was doing okay until I got to a place that just didn't correspond well with my map. I saw a young lady talking to a man up ahead, then they finished and she headed my way. I stopped her and asked if she was from the area and she said yes. I asked her for some directions to help me navigate and she said she would draw me a map! Her name is Molly. Then she said, "I'll walk a ways with you, then I'll draw you a map." We walked a ways, and then she said, I'll just walk with you! So I had a walking tour guide! She walked me through the city streets......I don't think I would have been able to find my way. Amen! We talked about many things as we walked. She told me about her life. She is, like many of us, trying to be accepted by others, and trying to make sense of the world. I could sense her frustration and I told her, "You are the sane one, it is this world that is insane." She is an angel! If only the world had more people like her. I had the privelege of buying her some things she needed- it was the least I could do for all her help and the pleasure of her company. I am seeing something- I am not to just give, and I am not to just receive, I am to SHARE. Do you know what I mean? It is out of balance when we either just give or just receive. A healthy mix of giving and receiving enriches everyone, and this sharing touches the soul. Thank you Molly, for coming into my life and walking with me.
We prayed and said good-bye, and she got me to a well-marked bike path. I made my way south, headed for the Marin Headlands Youth Hostel. The last town along the way before heading in towards the hostel was Sausalito. I was walking along the street in downtown Sausalito and I happened to look down to another street at a level below the one I was on. I saw a young man walking along and I recognized his earrings. It was Gary from Elk! Remember Norman Devall and the young man from Elk named Gary? Norman had offered me a night aboard his sailboat in Sausalito, but I called him several days ago and he said that they would not be there. So, I am walking along and there is Gary! I called out, "Gary!" I think he was a bit concerned! He was surprised and glad to see me. Norman had left for a week, but Gary had stayed to work on a lady's sailboat. Gary went out of his way to walk with me and listen to my tales of the things that had happened since I saw him last. How about that? Two walking tour guides in the same day? Gary wished me well and I made my way to the hostel. I arrived at the hostel- it is in a beautiful setting. As I got there, I asked a lady who was unloading her car where the office was. She told me and we got to talking. She invited me to join her for dinner in Sausalito. I accepted and we had a wonderful evening of conversation. Thank you Karen!!!
God is good. I have to confess that I don't know that I really believed it myself always. I am believing it more all the time. Of course God is good. But there is something very humbling when you put yourself out there and he really does come through with flying colors. I think the key is, "......put yourself out there......." It is not testing Him , because He can do anything, it is testing ourselves........
Good night,
Thanks for tuning in,
God Bless,
Pray for the Coders and the Kids,
Good morning from the Marin Headlands Youth Hostel!!!! Oct 26
Hello there!
I don't have much time to write, as I am sitting at a pay-computer in the basement and I am getting ready to hit the trail soon. I am going to cross the Golden Gate Bridge this morning! I had a gentleman from Bay City News put my information out on the wire for me to be crossing the bridge at 11:00 am this morning. If there are any takers, they will be there to find me- so I better be there! I will try to write this evening if the hostel I am heading to has the facilities.
My experiences continue to be amazing! They almost get better all the time! God is good! His people are great! I have more stories to tell you, and I want to do so when I have more time.
Thank you for tuning in,
God bless,
I don't have much time to write, as I am sitting at a pay-computer in the basement and I am getting ready to hit the trail soon. I am going to cross the Golden Gate Bridge this morning! I had a gentleman from Bay City News put my information out on the wire for me to be crossing the bridge at 11:00 am this morning. If there are any takers, they will be there to find me- so I better be there! I will try to write this evening if the hostel I am heading to has the facilities.
My experiences continue to be amazing! They almost get better all the time! God is good! His people are great! I have more stories to tell you, and I want to do so when I have more time.
Thank you for tuning in,
God bless,
Friday, October 22, 2010
Hello from Olema RV park and campground!
Here I am, sitting in the office of the Olema RV park and campground, writing to you courtesy of a nice lady named Judy. I had a fairly long walk yesterday, so I was happy to get here. Yesterday I walked along the eastern shore of Tomales Bay- a long, narrow bay where the San Andreas fault runs out into the Pacific Ocean. It is a beautiful area and I thoroughly enjoyed my walk! I love walking. You just can't experience the land and the people like you can when you walk- in fact, I get to see things that most people miss, like every dead deer, skunk, raccoon, and squirrel......as well as finding almost every lost penny!!!!!!!!! But seriously, it is grand. I have some great pictures. I get to see photo opportunities that people driving miss. Sometimes there are breathtaking views of the coast that are framed perfectly by a hole in the trees- something you just won't see while driving. I also have great pictures of all the great people I've met.
Guess what? I knew it probably would happen, but has not until now.........it's raining! Not hard, just a light sprinkling. I have good rain gear and my own little flashing red light, so I am good to go!
As I walk, I cross back and forth across the two-lane highway. I try not to walk on the inside of tight turns. Someone cutting the corner won't see me until they're right on me, so I try to avoid that situation. I walk through turns by walking on the outside of the bend. When I approach a turn, I wait until the cars that just went through it get far enough away so that I can "hear" the turn. I can't see around a turn, but I can hear around it. When it sounds clear, I cross to the other side of the road before going around the bend. This made me think about Jesus when he spoke. Remember how he would say, "Let those who have ears hear"? Listening is important. Sometimes more important than seeing. I can't always see around an obstacle, but I can sometimes hear around an obstacle. That realization helps me in other areas of my life. The Bible says, "We walk by faith, not by sight." We also need to listen. We know that God doesn't shout. His is a still, small voice. I can't force myself to hear around the turn, I have to be patient and wait for the noise to clear so that I can listen for good direction, and it comes.............
I continue to meet great people. This morning a nice lady in an RV started talking to me and gave me breakfast. Her name is Ve-anne and she needs some prayer- her family needs some healing and help. Keep them in your prayers please......
I'm getting ready to head east to take on the Bay Area!! Please continue to keep me in your prayers and pray that I get through this area and accomplish all that I am supposed to accomplish while there...........
Please continue to pass on the word for the Coders and the children. Remember, please, that this whole thing is a long-term need, meaning that it is a long-term commitment. One-time gifts are great, but the need continues until the last child is raised up.
Thank you for staying tuned in,
God Bless,
Guess what? I knew it probably would happen, but has not until now.........it's raining! Not hard, just a light sprinkling. I have good rain gear and my own little flashing red light, so I am good to go!
As I walk, I cross back and forth across the two-lane highway. I try not to walk on the inside of tight turns. Someone cutting the corner won't see me until they're right on me, so I try to avoid that situation. I walk through turns by walking on the outside of the bend. When I approach a turn, I wait until the cars that just went through it get far enough away so that I can "hear" the turn. I can't see around a turn, but I can hear around it. When it sounds clear, I cross to the other side of the road before going around the bend. This made me think about Jesus when he spoke. Remember how he would say, "Let those who have ears hear"? Listening is important. Sometimes more important than seeing. I can't always see around an obstacle, but I can sometimes hear around an obstacle. That realization helps me in other areas of my life. The Bible says, "We walk by faith, not by sight." We also need to listen. We know that God doesn't shout. His is a still, small voice. I can't force myself to hear around the turn, I have to be patient and wait for the noise to clear so that I can listen for good direction, and it comes.............
I continue to meet great people. This morning a nice lady in an RV started talking to me and gave me breakfast. Her name is Ve-anne and she needs some prayer- her family needs some healing and help. Keep them in your prayers please......
I'm getting ready to head east to take on the Bay Area!! Please continue to keep me in your prayers and pray that I get through this area and accomplish all that I am supposed to accomplish while there...........
Please continue to pass on the word for the Coders and the children. Remember, please, that this whole thing is a long-term need, meaning that it is a long-term commitment. One-time gifts are great, but the need continues until the last child is raised up.
Thank you for staying tuned in,
God Bless,
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hello from Tomales!!
I am sitting in the living room of Luis and Margaret in Dillon Beach. Late this afternoon I walked into Tomales, not knowing where I was going to stay. I knew that there was one hotel in this small town, but I had seen two church steeples and thought I would see how the spirit led me. As I walked into town, I prayed for guidance and that I would find a kind soul. In town I encountered a man and I asked him about where there may be a place to stay. He replied that there was only one hotel in town, and that I was looking at it. I thanked him and decided to walk on. Up ahead there was a church, and I thought that I would look into seeing if anyone was around. The outer doors to the church were open, but the inner ones were not. The church was The Church of the Assumption of Mary and I walked past it to knock on the door of what looked to be the rectory. No answer to my knock. I headed back to the street when I heard the low notes of an organ being played. I walked up to the front doors of the church and found that the inner doors were open after all. I went inside and immediately to the left was an organ, and there was a lady playing it with a man standing beside her. I introduced myself and briefly told them what I was doing with the Walk, and I asked if they knew anyone who may let me put my tent in their yard. Just then the Father came from the front of the church, and having overheard our conversation, he said that "that hotel costs $200 per night and you can put your tent up out back." Right then the couple spoke up and said, "We have a spare room at home. Have you had dinner?" Wow! God is good! I took them up on their offer and they gave me a ride from Tomales to their home in Dillon Beach. Luis fixed us dinner, and as he did, I listened intently to the things he shared with me. He had been raised in Peru, and had suffered many of the same abuses that the Coder children have experienced in their lives. He had been beaten and abused. He hunted for birds to feed himself and to sell to other families for money. He had read about America, and had determined to come here. He told me how he had not been a believer, and how he had met God. I cannot begin to write and convey the beauty of his conversion experience and how he so lovingly told it to me. I was spellbound and kept silent- it was most definitely my turn to be quiet and listen closely to absolutely every word. He talked about things that I have been struggling with, and about things I had just been thinking about. It is just amazing! But not really. God is good. He is in control. I am finding that He is there always, guiding, protecting, providing......He sent me here to listen to Luis. I am just so thankful to have the privelege of hearing Luis share his faith with me. I really can't describe how I feel right now, but it feels good! Luis is a humble man and shared with me all sorts of things. His faith is beautiful and it is just such an awesome blessing to be sitting in this house listening to him. Sometimes we know we are where we are meant to be, and that we are in the presence of those we are meant to be near............
Good night,
God Bless,
Good night,
God Bless,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Hello from Bodega Bay Dunes!
Hello all! I am sitting in my friend Karen's SUV typing this in a parking lot in Sebastopol, California! Karen is a friend of mine who recently moved down to Santa Rosa. She drove out to the coast yesterday to meet me and took me into town today so I could do laundry, get some good rain pants, get a safety vest, and get some groceries. I am enjoying her company. Thank you Karen!!
I continue to have a grand time. The people I meet are wonderful- I can truly say I have not met a "stinker" yet! I figure that I have walked about 210 miles and I am currently less than 70 miles from San Francisco!!! Hard to believe that I have actually walked all that way! Soon I will be half way!
I received a wonderful e-mail from Fabiola yesterday (and one today too). She is one of the children in Honduras. She has recently turned 13 and so is officially a teenager now! She is a very sweet young lady and it is her picture I wear on a banner sign that says, "I love you Craig, don't forget me!" Thank you for the e-mail, Fabi................
So, what have I learned lately? Hmmmmmm......... God is good. But we already know that. God is continually good- now that may be a little harder to always know. God will be good, always, in the future.......... it is hardest to trust this, at least that is what I find. We look back and can see that He provided in the past (yesterday). We look and see that He provided today. But it is difficult to trust that He will provide tomorrow. If you agree, you are in the company of many of the Hebrews escaping Egypt. Not necessarily a good thing!!!! It cost them their entry into the promised land, didn't it? I continually find that my faith needs to be a verb. It is something that I have to "do." There is work to be done- and it is good and rewarding work. God needs us to trust Him enough to step out. This "stepping out" implies the future, doesn't it? You can only step forward into something. I know that I have done something that I have observed in other people as well. And that is to worry so much about how what we want may not happen, or to worry about how what we don't want will happen, that we are paralyzed and don't move forward. This happens in everyday life- in lives that aren't even in touch with the Father. So how much more ought the believers step forward to help our Father and His Son promote His Kingdom! He is looking to us to actively trust Him, to love Him, and to especially love our neighbors. The rewards of doing so every day are tremendous!! It is not the world that has gone astray, but it is people's hearts that have gone astray. God is good......................
Good night,
God Bless,
I continue to have a grand time. The people I meet are wonderful- I can truly say I have not met a "stinker" yet! I figure that I have walked about 210 miles and I am currently less than 70 miles from San Francisco!!! Hard to believe that I have actually walked all that way! Soon I will be half way!
I received a wonderful e-mail from Fabiola yesterday (and one today too). She is one of the children in Honduras. She has recently turned 13 and so is officially a teenager now! She is a very sweet young lady and it is her picture I wear on a banner sign that says, "I love you Craig, don't forget me!" Thank you for the e-mail, Fabi................
So, what have I learned lately? Hmmmmmm......... God is good. But we already know that. God is continually good- now that may be a little harder to always know. God will be good, always, in the future.......... it is hardest to trust this, at least that is what I find. We look back and can see that He provided in the past (yesterday). We look and see that He provided today. But it is difficult to trust that He will provide tomorrow. If you agree, you are in the company of many of the Hebrews escaping Egypt. Not necessarily a good thing!!!! It cost them their entry into the promised land, didn't it? I continually find that my faith needs to be a verb. It is something that I have to "do." There is work to be done- and it is good and rewarding work. God needs us to trust Him enough to step out. This "stepping out" implies the future, doesn't it? You can only step forward into something. I know that I have done something that I have observed in other people as well. And that is to worry so much about how what we want may not happen, or to worry about how what we don't want will happen, that we are paralyzed and don't move forward. This happens in everyday life- in lives that aren't even in touch with the Father. So how much more ought the believers step forward to help our Father and His Son promote His Kingdom! He is looking to us to actively trust Him, to love Him, and to especially love our neighbors. The rewards of doing so every day are tremendous!! It is not the world that has gone astray, but it is people's hearts that have gone astray. God is good......................
Good night,
God Bless,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hello from Jenner, California! Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hello all! I've put in a couple of long days! I think I walked about 18 miles or so each day. Right now I am in the parlor of the Jenner Bed and Breakfast Inn- how's that for roughing it? A nice man in Jenner called ahead to the campground that I was going to try to make it to only to find that there were no sites available. So now I have a room with a bed, with towels, with hot water, with heat, with everything! I am certainly thankful for these things now that I have been without them for a while. Never take anything for granted!
I had a nice surprise yesterday. My friend Melanie was coming to Gualala for a run on Saturday, so we made arrangements for her to meet me at my campsite. She came and got me and she took me out to dinner in town! Thank you Melanie! Thank you also for the stack of quarters you gave me for showers (I don't know if that was a hint or not!). When I left the campground in the morning I realized that I had not taken a picture of Melanie, so I sent her a text message and guess what? After her run, she drove down the coast to find me, and we took pictures of each other!
I want to write about something that I am thinking about. Remember that it is just my thoughts and is simply a different perspective. As I have been walking down the coast, I have seen many, many "No Trespassing" signs posted on gates, trees, fences, buildings, etc. Sometimes there are three or more in close proximity! I understand entirely why these signs are there. But there is something else that I keep thinking about as I continue to see them. Do you know what the third word is that most of us learn as toddlers? The first is "Mama." The second is "No." And the third is................."Mine!" All those signs seem to scream out, "Mine!" It's just such a contrast to the hospitality that I have been repeatedly shown that I can't help but notice it and have these thoughts- know what I mean? Just thought I'd write about it..............
Today I was walking along and I saw a man in a yard along with two young men. I've seen quite a few people out and about, but this man called out to me, so I stopped. His name is Jose and he is from Stockton. He was here on the coast to do some maintenance work to his parent's vacation property. He said that he had seen me the day before by Gualala and had noticed my stroller! He was interested in what I am doing with the Walk. He told me that the two young men weren't his boys, but he treats them like they are! He said he tries to get them out of Stockton, and to the coast, where it is safer, healthier, and not in Stockton! I could tell that Jose is a good man- he is mentoring these two and that is great! Hours later, when I was almost into Jenner, they pulled up, got out and talked to me. I took their picture again- Jose, Raul, and Richard. Thank you guys for your caring and your interest!
Earlier in the day I heard a honk and it was Erik and his wife Sandy from Anchor Bay campground! They pulled over, got out and talked to me! Amen! Erik said he would get in touch with the radio in San Luis Obispo to try to arrange some sort of "homecoming" when I get there!!! That would be great! Later I heard a honk and "Hey Craig!" It was his father-in-law Steve and his wife Linda. They talked to me out their window as they drove by. This afternoon and evening was a road race as all the weekenders from the Bay Area were returning home! Lots of traffic. Only a couple close calls! Just kidding!......well, one maybe!
Faith. God rewards faith. He doesn't necessarily reward "Christians" as much as he rewards people who have faith. God sends the rain on everyone. When I was in Israel, I learned that rain is a blessing. We, who live on the north coast of California may not agree, but it is true. No rain means no crops, no water, no hydroelectric power........... God sends His blessings on us all. It is by His grace that He does this. Grace is "God's unmerited favor." Those who don't believe in Him still receive His grace, and I think with time these people may come to see that Someone was looking out for them- that all the good that came their way was more than just chance. I think that is God being patient, knowing that someday even the most hard-of-heart may come to Him when they realize His providence. God is patient and kind. Now how much more faith believers should exhibit!! Those who know He exists, and those who have a personal relationship with Him are in a position to step out, to know that He is there to assist us when we work out His will in our lives and in the world. I believe that God is looking to us like the Army is "Looking for a few good men." He grants His providence to all, and how much we can accomplish when we step out in faith to do His will!
Remember to please help by passing on the word about The Walk and why it is happening. It is to help the Coders and their children in Honduras. I am just getting the word out. It is none of my business what happens after I tell the story and hand out my card. It is between God and the person I talked to- know what I mean? This is a long-term project. These kids need continuous help until they grow up and go out into the world. Visit their website at www.number7widowsmite.org
Please write to me so that I know you are out there and are listening! My on-the-road email address is
Thank you for tuning in again!
May God Bless You,
I had a nice surprise yesterday. My friend Melanie was coming to Gualala for a run on Saturday, so we made arrangements for her to meet me at my campsite. She came and got me and she took me out to dinner in town! Thank you Melanie! Thank you also for the stack of quarters you gave me for showers (I don't know if that was a hint or not!). When I left the campground in the morning I realized that I had not taken a picture of Melanie, so I sent her a text message and guess what? After her run, she drove down the coast to find me, and we took pictures of each other!
I want to write about something that I am thinking about. Remember that it is just my thoughts and is simply a different perspective. As I have been walking down the coast, I have seen many, many "No Trespassing" signs posted on gates, trees, fences, buildings, etc. Sometimes there are three or more in close proximity! I understand entirely why these signs are there. But there is something else that I keep thinking about as I continue to see them. Do you know what the third word is that most of us learn as toddlers? The first is "Mama." The second is "No." And the third is................."Mine!" All those signs seem to scream out, "Mine!" It's just such a contrast to the hospitality that I have been repeatedly shown that I can't help but notice it and have these thoughts- know what I mean? Just thought I'd write about it..............
Today I was walking along and I saw a man in a yard along with two young men. I've seen quite a few people out and about, but this man called out to me, so I stopped. His name is Jose and he is from Stockton. He was here on the coast to do some maintenance work to his parent's vacation property. He said that he had seen me the day before by Gualala and had noticed my stroller! He was interested in what I am doing with the Walk. He told me that the two young men weren't his boys, but he treats them like they are! He said he tries to get them out of Stockton, and to the coast, where it is safer, healthier, and not in Stockton! I could tell that Jose is a good man- he is mentoring these two and that is great! Hours later, when I was almost into Jenner, they pulled up, got out and talked to me. I took their picture again- Jose, Raul, and Richard. Thank you guys for your caring and your interest!
Earlier in the day I heard a honk and it was Erik and his wife Sandy from Anchor Bay campground! They pulled over, got out and talked to me! Amen! Erik said he would get in touch with the radio in San Luis Obispo to try to arrange some sort of "homecoming" when I get there!!! That would be great! Later I heard a honk and "Hey Craig!" It was his father-in-law Steve and his wife Linda. They talked to me out their window as they drove by. This afternoon and evening was a road race as all the weekenders from the Bay Area were returning home! Lots of traffic. Only a couple close calls! Just kidding!......well, one maybe!
Faith. God rewards faith. He doesn't necessarily reward "Christians" as much as he rewards people who have faith. God sends the rain on everyone. When I was in Israel, I learned that rain is a blessing. We, who live on the north coast of California may not agree, but it is true. No rain means no crops, no water, no hydroelectric power........... God sends His blessings on us all. It is by His grace that He does this. Grace is "God's unmerited favor." Those who don't believe in Him still receive His grace, and I think with time these people may come to see that Someone was looking out for them- that all the good that came their way was more than just chance. I think that is God being patient, knowing that someday even the most hard-of-heart may come to Him when they realize His providence. God is patient and kind. Now how much more faith believers should exhibit!! Those who know He exists, and those who have a personal relationship with Him are in a position to step out, to know that He is there to assist us when we work out His will in our lives and in the world. I believe that God is looking to us like the Army is "Looking for a few good men." He grants His providence to all, and how much we can accomplish when we step out in faith to do His will!
Remember to please help by passing on the word about The Walk and why it is happening. It is to help the Coders and their children in Honduras. I am just getting the word out. It is none of my business what happens after I tell the story and hand out my card. It is between God and the person I talked to- know what I mean? This is a long-term project. These kids need continuous help until they grow up and go out into the world. Visit their website at www.number7widowsmite.org
Please write to me so that I know you are out there and are listening! My on-the-road email address is
Thank you for tuning in again!
May God Bless You,
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hello from Gualala
I don't have much time so here goes. I am in Gualala and continue to have a grand time. The people I come across are very kind and hospitable. Last night I walked in to Anchor Bay Campground and set up my tent. I was about to go pay when a young man came up and told me that his father-in-law had a site up by the beach (the best spots). I wasn't sure what he meant, so I got to talking to him to find out. It turns out that this fine family was inviting me to stay at one of the sites that they had already paid for! And they invited me for a dinner of fresh abalone that they had just dove for! The young man is also from San Luis Obispo and he invited me over when I get down there. The people who invited me are from Truckee and are Steve and Linda Kane- God bless them! They and their daughter Sandy, and Sandy's husband Erik were all more than kind! The kindness of strangers is very touching and is continually softening my heart.
I'd write more but I need to vacate the room I am in soon.
One last thing. This morning I got up and had a great conversation with Steve (actually, yesterday when I was walking I thought, "I'd like to meet up with a family and sit down and eat and talk with them"- and guess what? It happened!) So this morning I was talking with Steve and he said one of those things that sticks- forever even. He was talking about a dog he had that would follow him anywhere and do anything for him. He said he could point out to the ocean and that dog would swim straight to Japan unless he told him to turn around! What Steve said that stuck was this, "That dog would go wherever I pointed because he knew that that's where his reward was." Think about that for a minute. Does that strike you? The dog obeyed his master because he knew and trusted him and knew that where he was being sent was where he knew he was meant to be and that his reward would be at the end. Isn't that a picture of us and our Master? Steve is God and I am the dog--- we are the dog....................
So, greetings from Gualala, California
Please spread this word for the Coder kids, I need your help to help them all,
God Bless,
I'd write more but I need to vacate the room I am in soon.
One last thing. This morning I got up and had a great conversation with Steve (actually, yesterday when I was walking I thought, "I'd like to meet up with a family and sit down and eat and talk with them"- and guess what? It happened!) So this morning I was talking with Steve and he said one of those things that sticks- forever even. He was talking about a dog he had that would follow him anywhere and do anything for him. He said he could point out to the ocean and that dog would swim straight to Japan unless he told him to turn around! What Steve said that stuck was this, "That dog would go wherever I pointed because he knew that that's where his reward was." Think about that for a minute. Does that strike you? The dog obeyed his master because he knew and trusted him and knew that where he was being sent was where he knew he was meant to be and that his reward would be at the end. Isn't that a picture of us and our Master? Steve is God and I am the dog--- we are the dog....................
So, greetings from Gualala, California
Please spread this word for the Coder kids, I need your help to help them all,
God Bless,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Hello from Point Arena!!! Thursday October 14, 2010
Hello all,
Don't forget that you can leave comments for me in this blog. I appreciate them. I am doing very well and am having a great time, but your encouragement is much appreciated.
I am sitting in the library in Point Arena, along with three cyclists using the computers just like me. Two are from the Netherlands and Jamie from Seattle. I met more bikers last night in my campground and talked with several more this morning. They are a great group of people- very encouraging, adventurous, and supportive. We have mutual respect! I spent the night at the Manchester KOA campground, for free, compliments of Yolanda! Thank you Yolanda!
As Sharon said, the night before I spent in Elk. But before I tell you that story, I want to tell you about a guy I met in Albion. He walked up to me and we struck up a conversation. I found that he had been hitchhiking and travelling from back east. I always ask travellers how their experience with people is, and has been. Flint answered that he had never had a bad experience, and that he noticed that what he experienced during the day depended a lot on what was going on in his mind and heart. "If I am afraid, or doubtful, or worried, it seems like the day just doesn't work out. I tell myself in the morning that everything is going to work out as it should and that it will all be okay, and it is." Thank you Flint! I thanked him for sharing with me something that I could certainly use, and said good-bye. It was timely advice because I didn't know where I was going to stay that night. His words I knew were true, so I found myself enjoying the beautiful day and relaxing the walk. I prayed along the way that God would lead me to a kind soul in Elk. And He did!!!! Now I will tell you about it......I arrived in Elk in the late afternoon and met a man named Brad in front of a cafe. I asked about a place to stay and he referred me to a state park down the road where you can't camp, but where cyclists sometimes do. I walked on down the road just a little ways when I noticed a man carrying a plastic bag walking towards me. He said, "Hey, how about some tea and toast!" Amen! I was blown away! He said that he had seen me down the road a while back and figured I'd be in town in about an hour! His name is Norman and his house is right across Highway 1 from the state park. I sat in his kitchen and talked with him and his friend Gary, as Norman told us stories about his visit to Honduras 10 years ago. He called the local radio station and set up an interview for me the next morning! He showed me a little campsite at the top of a steep cliff overlooking the ocean and I spent a beautiful night there with the sound of the surf below. In the morning he fixed us pancakes and eggs for breakfast- thank you Norman. God bless you and Gary. He also offered me a night's stay on his sailboat in Sausalito when I pass by there. God provides! He provides through the kindness of one person to another. I will remember that.......
I have been blessed with great weather!! After I left Elk, I put a sleeveless shirt on for the first time. It was hot! I made my way to the KOA campground in Manchester and was thrilled to get cleaned up- myself and my clothes. I continue to meet great people along the way and in the campgrounds. Fellow travellers are great!
The stroller is working great! My back is thanking me and I am enjoying the walk. "Walk and Roll!" (Hello Laura, if you are reading this). I am seeing lots of beautiful country and am taking lots of pictures.
The fear and doubt that I had written about earlier is diminishing. Part of it is because of the absence of the backpack. Physical pain has a way of predominating in the mind, and it leads to negative thinking. But mostly, I believe, I am gaining faith and courage as I go- which is part of what this walk was about in the first place. People are responding very favorably to what this walk is all about - the Coder Kids, God, faith, and courage. The people I meet are bolstering my faith and courage, so I want to give them all a heartfelt "thank-you". It is our example that attracts people to what we believe, and not what we say we believe. Who was it that said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" - he was right. The Bible talks a lot about fear and trust, doesn't it? Sometimes it is hard to believe and to be hopeful, but I want to share that I have met very good people- in church, along the road.....everywhere. It is like Flint said, it depends on what is going on inside of yourself. So I am experiencing this goodness because, I believe, I am doing something good. Something to always remember...........
Thanks for tuning in,
God Bless,
Don't forget that you can leave comments for me in this blog. I appreciate them. I am doing very well and am having a great time, but your encouragement is much appreciated.
I am sitting in the library in Point Arena, along with three cyclists using the computers just like me. Two are from the Netherlands and Jamie from Seattle. I met more bikers last night in my campground and talked with several more this morning. They are a great group of people- very encouraging, adventurous, and supportive. We have mutual respect! I spent the night at the Manchester KOA campground, for free, compliments of Yolanda! Thank you Yolanda!
As Sharon said, the night before I spent in Elk. But before I tell you that story, I want to tell you about a guy I met in Albion. He walked up to me and we struck up a conversation. I found that he had been hitchhiking and travelling from back east. I always ask travellers how their experience with people is, and has been. Flint answered that he had never had a bad experience, and that he noticed that what he experienced during the day depended a lot on what was going on in his mind and heart. "If I am afraid, or doubtful, or worried, it seems like the day just doesn't work out. I tell myself in the morning that everything is going to work out as it should and that it will all be okay, and it is." Thank you Flint! I thanked him for sharing with me something that I could certainly use, and said good-bye. It was timely advice because I didn't know where I was going to stay that night. His words I knew were true, so I found myself enjoying the beautiful day and relaxing the walk. I prayed along the way that God would lead me to a kind soul in Elk. And He did!!!! Now I will tell you about it......I arrived in Elk in the late afternoon and met a man named Brad in front of a cafe. I asked about a place to stay and he referred me to a state park down the road where you can't camp, but where cyclists sometimes do. I walked on down the road just a little ways when I noticed a man carrying a plastic bag walking towards me. He said, "Hey, how about some tea and toast!" Amen! I was blown away! He said that he had seen me down the road a while back and figured I'd be in town in about an hour! His name is Norman and his house is right across Highway 1 from the state park. I sat in his kitchen and talked with him and his friend Gary, as Norman told us stories about his visit to Honduras 10 years ago. He called the local radio station and set up an interview for me the next morning! He showed me a little campsite at the top of a steep cliff overlooking the ocean and I spent a beautiful night there with the sound of the surf below. In the morning he fixed us pancakes and eggs for breakfast- thank you Norman. God bless you and Gary. He also offered me a night's stay on his sailboat in Sausalito when I pass by there. God provides! He provides through the kindness of one person to another. I will remember that.......
I have been blessed with great weather!! After I left Elk, I put a sleeveless shirt on for the first time. It was hot! I made my way to the KOA campground in Manchester and was thrilled to get cleaned up- myself and my clothes. I continue to meet great people along the way and in the campgrounds. Fellow travellers are great!
The stroller is working great! My back is thanking me and I am enjoying the walk. "Walk and Roll!" (Hello Laura, if you are reading this). I am seeing lots of beautiful country and am taking lots of pictures.
The fear and doubt that I had written about earlier is diminishing. Part of it is because of the absence of the backpack. Physical pain has a way of predominating in the mind, and it leads to negative thinking. But mostly, I believe, I am gaining faith and courage as I go- which is part of what this walk was about in the first place. People are responding very favorably to what this walk is all about - the Coder Kids, God, faith, and courage. The people I meet are bolstering my faith and courage, so I want to give them all a heartfelt "thank-you". It is our example that attracts people to what we believe, and not what we say we believe. Who was it that said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" - he was right. The Bible talks a lot about fear and trust, doesn't it? Sometimes it is hard to believe and to be hopeful, but I want to share that I have met very good people- in church, along the road.....everywhere. It is like Flint said, it depends on what is going on inside of yourself. So I am experiencing this goodness because, I believe, I am doing something good. Something to always remember...........
Thanks for tuning in,
God Bless,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday - October 12, 2010
Good Evening, our dear traveler is in Elk tonight. He is camped out in a beautiful spot overlooking the ocean. He said he met several people today that have been to Honduras, one woman had been in San Pedro Sula, (that is where the Coders and children live) in the same time period that he was there! What are the chances! He met a nice gentlemen tonight who invited him in for tea, toast and conversation. He has encouraged Craig to speak with the Honduran Consulate in San Francisco. This kind soul has arranged a radio interview for Craig tomorrow. Yet another way to spread the Word! He is very, very excited. Hopefully he will be able to find a place to access the internet and tell us his adventures tomorrow. God Bless you, the Coders and their children.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ft. Bragg has been great! Want to hear a God story?
Hello and thanks for tuning in again! Thank you, Laura, for letting me spend the night last night- and for letting me spend the night tonight also. Our faith is the raw material that God can use to show His providence. He led me to this wonderful lady, who has been an angel! She took me to church with her today and I had the opportunity to get up and tell about The Walk. It went well- you wouldn't know that I used to be afraid of public speaking- now you can't shut me up! It is a pleasure to talk about those kids and the opportunity God has given me to help out in this way. After the service was over I heard, "Hey Craig." I turned around and there was the pastor I had just met a few days ago in MacKerricker Park! He has been camping out with his family and just happened to choose Grace Community Church to worship at this Sunday!
At church I met a nice man who offered me a place to stay when I get down by the town of Mendocino. We talked about where and when I may be able to meet up with him tomorrow. I found myself getting a little anxious, and, I confess, a bit "testy"! Let me explain. I still did not know how I was going to continue The Walk. Walking, riding...? I have found, and this is quite obvious and understandable, but less so if you are not directly affected by it, and that is this--our mode of transportation profoundly affects our thinking and our planning. Airplane, vehicle, bicycle, feet... a huge difference between each. On foot, not a step can be wasted or idle. Everything needs to be planned and anticipated as much as possible. What I mean is this- when someone says, "Oh, it's a little ways down the road", and it is actually 2 miles- for someone driving this is a few minutes, for someone on foot, this means an hour. Big difference. I'm not whining about walking, I am just saying that it forces you to use your time very wisely, and so when I speak to someone about where and when, I really need to know precisely. Know what I mean? I'm just sharing one of those things with you that I am finding out. It is something to keep in mind when you see a homeless person or you think about people in other countries who may only get around on foot. So, there you go........
Want to hear a "God story?" Good!!! I thought you would! As you know, I've been thinking and praying about what to do- walk, ride, walk, ride................... Last night before I went to sleep I revisited the jog-behind stroller idea. I had come across this idea recently, but discarded it as a bit odd. Don't ask me why- I just think that pushing a stroller around with a backpack in it seems a bit, well, dorky! Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone! Well, I've been a dork before! I got to thinking about it and it occurred to me, "Hey, a stroller would be completely appropriate because my pack would have the banner sign on it with all the kid's pictures and this whole thing is about children- the Coder children and all God's children." So when I got up in the morning I shared this idea with Laura. She had something to add. She shared that before she went to sleep she kicked around some ideas for perhaps renaming The Walk. Listen to this, it's great, and I may very well use it-- how about "Walk and Roll"? Good stuff, huh? Leave me a comment and tell me what you think......but I'm getting ahead of myself... So after church I am starting to get a little anxious, but I know He will provide an answer- I just don't know when and I know that it has to be pretty quick (pardon the haste Papa). Walk, ride, or push stroller, how to get a bike and where, how to get a stroller and where, back still hurts, need groceries, need to eat, can't waste time......?....... I got online and checked out Craigslist for bikes in Ft. Bragg and found a few, but still not sure. Still toying with the stroller idea..... Googled "stroller" to find out just what those things are really called so I can look for them on Craigslist. I found "jog-behind stroller" and called around Ft. Bragg. None to be found. This is a large town on the coast around here- but it is not that large! I'm paging through the yellow pages to look for something that jumps out at me- nothing does. Help me Lord! I went back to the computer to see how the e-world could help when I heard the door rattle. Laura came busting in from her shops outside and said, "Hey, a woman just said she saw one of those strollers in a garage sale in Cleone yesterday! Get online and check out the classifieds on the Advocate website." So I did. I found one sale in Cleone listed for yesterday on Sashandre Lane. I talked to the woman who had seen it and she gave me a rough description of where it was, "north on Hwy 1, about a block off." A little sketchy, but worth a try. I drove Laura's van out to Cleone (population 570- I know 'cause I just checked out the picture I took of the Cleone sign!). I didn't see any "Sashandre Lane" sign so I stopped at the little Cleone grocery store. I asked the young man if he knew of any "Sashandre Lane" and he said "no." He told me that there was a map by the door. I checked it out, and nope, no Sashandre Lane shown, or even one in the legend. I left and thought I'd drive north a little ways anyway. I went a ways, but found nothing. I saw an inn ahead with a parking lot that looked like I could use the far end to turn around in. I got there and a little voice said, "Keep going." I did. Just ahead I saw a "yard sale" sign taped to the post that held the sign saying, yes, you guessed it, "Sashandre Lane!" I turned in and the first yard on the right had no stuff in it- the gate was closed and nobody appeared to be around. I drove up a bit and turned around- that first place has to be it but it doesn't look like it. I parked in front of the gate, opened it and walked towards the house, thinking, "I hope there is no big dogs around the corner!" I stepped up on the deck, went to the door and knocked. I knocked again. I finally heard a woman's voice. She opened the door and I asked her if she had had a sale and if she had a jogging stroller. She said, "Yes" and "Yes"!! She opened the garage door and there it was! I paid up, thanked them much, told them about what a bit of a miracle this had been, and took off! I got back to Laura's and she was excited! It needed a little work, and I don't have tools. I knew that there was an open bike shop on Big River by Mendocino. I called them, thinking that since I got a good deal on the stroller, I would be willing to invest in a little professional help on the thing. I had called Catch a Canoe earlier to inquire about a stroller. No, they didn't have one. I called back and said, "Remember me?" "Guess what I have?" They said to bring it down. I did (in the van). I got there and a very nice man named Rick asked me to fill out a tag. I started to then asked when it would be ready. He said, "Oh, within a week." Oh-oh! No good! I told him what I was doing and how I needed to get back on the road. He didn't have a mechanic there on Sunday. But this good man immediately started helping me figure things out. He offered a blinking light at cost, so that I would be visible and safe. He then offered me the full use of the mechanic's room and bench and I proceeded to fix that stroller up! Rick got me a new cable and I fixed the hand brake. I then packed the front bearings in grease (I hope the back 2 are OK). Ready to go!!! I thanked Rick (if you are reading this Rick, thank you again!) and took his picture. He asked me to stop by when I get down that way. You bet! I headed back to Ft. Bragg and stopped to shop at Safeway. Now weight is not as much of an issue. I bought some groceries and supplies and headed for Laura's. I told her all about Rick's help and she was happy about that "God story" too.
This evening I took Laura out to dinner and we had a nice meal in a steak house. That is the least I could do for this nice lady. Now I am going to repackage and condense my food and get to bed, because I'm hitting the road again tomorrow morning!
Just look at these great people I have met! All very inspiring, all very positive and encouraging,...it is just such a tremendous blessing!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think that I necessarily had to step out like I did to experience this- but it helps. What I mean is this- people are responding to The Walk and its "idea", but that is not the only thing at work here. God certainly is at work here and is demonstrating His providence, but there is still more... some of it is that people are responding to what I am doing and to my enthusiasm, but still this is not all. It is mostly about God's Will. His Will being done. When this happens, when we really pursue it, good, no, GREAT, things happen! When it is about Him, and not ME or US, then the good stuff starts happening. Brothers and sisters, I am here to tell you that He works!! Nothing can be a much greater joy and privelege than to see Papa at work- and to know that you and I can be a part of it!! So no, you don't need to walk 500 miles, but Yes, you do need to step out in faith and seek His Will. He is patiently waiting for people to test their own faith by trusting Him and stepping out with courage. I think He is saying, "I need some people to trust Me and seek My Will so I can really show them just what I can do! Then they will realize how blessed they can be in unexpected ways!" As I have said, our faith is the raw material for His providence. Think about it................
God Bless you,
Thanks for visiting and listening,
Good night,
At church I met a nice man who offered me a place to stay when I get down by the town of Mendocino. We talked about where and when I may be able to meet up with him tomorrow. I found myself getting a little anxious, and, I confess, a bit "testy"! Let me explain. I still did not know how I was going to continue The Walk. Walking, riding...? I have found, and this is quite obvious and understandable, but less so if you are not directly affected by it, and that is this--our mode of transportation profoundly affects our thinking and our planning. Airplane, vehicle, bicycle, feet... a huge difference between each. On foot, not a step can be wasted or idle. Everything needs to be planned and anticipated as much as possible. What I mean is this- when someone says, "Oh, it's a little ways down the road", and it is actually 2 miles- for someone driving this is a few minutes, for someone on foot, this means an hour. Big difference. I'm not whining about walking, I am just saying that it forces you to use your time very wisely, and so when I speak to someone about where and when, I really need to know precisely. Know what I mean? I'm just sharing one of those things with you that I am finding out. It is something to keep in mind when you see a homeless person or you think about people in other countries who may only get around on foot. So, there you go........
Want to hear a "God story?" Good!!! I thought you would! As you know, I've been thinking and praying about what to do- walk, ride, walk, ride................... Last night before I went to sleep I revisited the jog-behind stroller idea. I had come across this idea recently, but discarded it as a bit odd. Don't ask me why- I just think that pushing a stroller around with a backpack in it seems a bit, well, dorky! Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone! Well, I've been a dork before! I got to thinking about it and it occurred to me, "Hey, a stroller would be completely appropriate because my pack would have the banner sign on it with all the kid's pictures and this whole thing is about children- the Coder children and all God's children." So when I got up in the morning I shared this idea with Laura. She had something to add. She shared that before she went to sleep she kicked around some ideas for perhaps renaming The Walk. Listen to this, it's great, and I may very well use it-- how about "Walk and Roll"? Good stuff, huh? Leave me a comment and tell me what you think......but I'm getting ahead of myself... So after church I am starting to get a little anxious, but I know He will provide an answer- I just don't know when and I know that it has to be pretty quick (pardon the haste Papa). Walk, ride, or push stroller, how to get a bike and where, how to get a stroller and where, back still hurts, need groceries, need to eat, can't waste time......?....... I got online and checked out Craigslist for bikes in Ft. Bragg and found a few, but still not sure. Still toying with the stroller idea..... Googled "stroller" to find out just what those things are really called so I can look for them on Craigslist. I found "jog-behind stroller" and called around Ft. Bragg. None to be found. This is a large town on the coast around here- but it is not that large! I'm paging through the yellow pages to look for something that jumps out at me- nothing does. Help me Lord! I went back to the computer to see how the e-world could help when I heard the door rattle. Laura came busting in from her shops outside and said, "Hey, a woman just said she saw one of those strollers in a garage sale in Cleone yesterday! Get online and check out the classifieds on the Advocate website." So I did. I found one sale in Cleone listed for yesterday on Sashandre Lane. I talked to the woman who had seen it and she gave me a rough description of where it was, "north on Hwy 1, about a block off." A little sketchy, but worth a try. I drove Laura's van out to Cleone (population 570- I know 'cause I just checked out the picture I took of the Cleone sign!). I didn't see any "Sashandre Lane" sign so I stopped at the little Cleone grocery store. I asked the young man if he knew of any "Sashandre Lane" and he said "no." He told me that there was a map by the door. I checked it out, and nope, no Sashandre Lane shown, or even one in the legend. I left and thought I'd drive north a little ways anyway. I went a ways, but found nothing. I saw an inn ahead with a parking lot that looked like I could use the far end to turn around in. I got there and a little voice said, "Keep going." I did. Just ahead I saw a "yard sale" sign taped to the post that held the sign saying, yes, you guessed it, "Sashandre Lane!" I turned in and the first yard on the right had no stuff in it- the gate was closed and nobody appeared to be around. I drove up a bit and turned around- that first place has to be it but it doesn't look like it. I parked in front of the gate, opened it and walked towards the house, thinking, "I hope there is no big dogs around the corner!" I stepped up on the deck, went to the door and knocked. I knocked again. I finally heard a woman's voice. She opened the door and I asked her if she had had a sale and if she had a jogging stroller. She said, "Yes" and "Yes"!! She opened the garage door and there it was! I paid up, thanked them much, told them about what a bit of a miracle this had been, and took off! I got back to Laura's and she was excited! It needed a little work, and I don't have tools. I knew that there was an open bike shop on Big River by Mendocino. I called them, thinking that since I got a good deal on the stroller, I would be willing to invest in a little professional help on the thing. I had called Catch a Canoe earlier to inquire about a stroller. No, they didn't have one. I called back and said, "Remember me?" "Guess what I have?" They said to bring it down. I did (in the van). I got there and a very nice man named Rick asked me to fill out a tag. I started to then asked when it would be ready. He said, "Oh, within a week." Oh-oh! No good! I told him what I was doing and how I needed to get back on the road. He didn't have a mechanic there on Sunday. But this good man immediately started helping me figure things out. He offered a blinking light at cost, so that I would be visible and safe. He then offered me the full use of the mechanic's room and bench and I proceeded to fix that stroller up! Rick got me a new cable and I fixed the hand brake. I then packed the front bearings in grease (I hope the back 2 are OK). Ready to go!!! I thanked Rick (if you are reading this Rick, thank you again!) and took his picture. He asked me to stop by when I get down that way. You bet! I headed back to Ft. Bragg and stopped to shop at Safeway. Now weight is not as much of an issue. I bought some groceries and supplies and headed for Laura's. I told her all about Rick's help and she was happy about that "God story" too.
This evening I took Laura out to dinner and we had a nice meal in a steak house. That is the least I could do for this nice lady. Now I am going to repackage and condense my food and get to bed, because I'm hitting the road again tomorrow morning!
Just look at these great people I have met! All very inspiring, all very positive and encouraging,...it is just such a tremendous blessing!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think that I necessarily had to step out like I did to experience this- but it helps. What I mean is this- people are responding to The Walk and its "idea", but that is not the only thing at work here. God certainly is at work here and is demonstrating His providence, but there is still more... some of it is that people are responding to what I am doing and to my enthusiasm, but still this is not all. It is mostly about God's Will. His Will being done. When this happens, when we really pursue it, good, no, GREAT, things happen! When it is about Him, and not ME or US, then the good stuff starts happening. Brothers and sisters, I am here to tell you that He works!! Nothing can be a much greater joy and privelege than to see Papa at work- and to know that you and I can be a part of it!! So no, you don't need to walk 500 miles, but Yes, you do need to step out in faith and seek His Will. He is patiently waiting for people to test their own faith by trusting Him and stepping out with courage. I think He is saying, "I need some people to trust Me and seek My Will so I can really show them just what I can do! Then they will realize how blessed they can be in unexpected ways!" As I have said, our faith is the raw material for His providence. Think about it................
God Bless you,
Thanks for visiting and listening,
Good night,
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Hello from Ft. Bragg again!! Saturday October 9
Hello there!!!!
You know that nice lady I wrote about yesterday named Laura? I am sitting on her couch typing this on her laptop! I walked back into town today from MacKerricher State Park- a beautiful walk, but I have to confess that my back between the shoulder blades hurts! I thought about a bike again, and also about :Laura's desire she voiced yesterday about me coming to her church. I thought I would be further down the road by Sunday, but here I am still! I went into her shop (The Posh Pauper) when I got into Fort Bragg. She smiled and was happy to see me. She introduced me to some friends that she said she was just talking to about me. I got to talking to her and told her that I was still contemplating a bike and that I had some other things to still take care of in town. She offered to let me spend the night and gave me a key to her shop and home!! Bless you Laura! She is going to take me to church tomorrow and is talking to the Pastor right now about letting me speak there. I got to talking to many of her good friends and found that one is from Lynwood, CA- where I was born and lived until I was 10! Most of her friends that came into the shop during the time I was visiting go to her church. They are all fine Christian ladies and it was so nice to see their friendship amongst themselves and to also have it shared with me. I feel very blessed by all my experiences so far.
I shopped around for some things I needed, and also visited the bike shop in town again. You all are probably getting tired of hearing this go-round about a bike. Bike, walk, bike, walk, bike.....?!? I will keep praying and thinking about it and He'll give me an answer some how, some way.
Last night I made dinner in camp and then went and sat by a light near the bathrooms so that I could write in my journal. As I returned to my campsite in the dark, I saw a small light just past my campsite. It was someone wearing a headlamp. We approached eachother and I said, "You must have got in late. Are you a cyclist?" He said yes and we introduced ourselves. His name is Gabriel and he is from Canada (Montreal, I believe). It was his 20th birthday! I grabbed the cookies I had just bought and said, "How about some birthday cookies?" We sat at his picnic table and talked about a lot of things until about 11 pm. He had bought an older 10-speed bike and hopped on it in Seattle and decided to ride down to the Bay Area to get his girlfriend! Another amazing cyclist! He told me that he had already hitchhiked the width and breadth of Canada! This young man has already accomplished some amazing things. I found it very easy to talk to him and we talked about all sorts of things. I shared what I was doing with him, and I also shared what I believe and my faith in God with him. I am finding that it is a real blessing to both share my faith with someone, and also to hear them share their faith with me. We build each other up in our faith because we share a very powerful, common belief. That is another thing to be thankful for, isn't it? You know, I don't know what Gabriel looks like!!! It was dark and we both had our headlamps on. When we sat down, I turned mine off and he turned his to the side a bit. Under those conditions, you can't make out any details even across the table. This morning he slept in, and so I still don't know just what he looks like. Gabriel, if you are tuning in- thank you for the visit, and may God bless you richly my young friend!
My friend Karen from Fortuna moved to Santa Rosa several months ago. I have been in contact with her and she said that when I get down the coast by Santa Rosa, she will come out to the coast and camp with me! That will be nice! Thank you Karen!
When this walk (or ride- who knows?) is over, somehow, somewhere, sometime--and I return home to Ferndale, I don't know what I will do then. I have been saying that I will see what God has in store for me then- we will see. However, there is one thing that I want to do, and that is to be much more hospitable to others- in my own home, wherever that may be. My home does not have to be quiet and lonely anymore.
I encourage you all to take a stand against fear today. Find something that scares you and lean in to it. Push against it. Give it to God and invest a little more trust in Him. Look in the mirror and look for fear deep down in those eyes. Bring it to the surface and look at it. Is anything too big for God to handle? We can't conquer all our fears today, but with each small fear we conquer, we get stronger and braver. We are afraid to put ourselves out there- in a place where we may have to trust someone, a stranger. Sometimes we get burned, but look at all the times when we don't get burned- in fact, we get blessed! What I am putting out there, and the risks I have taken...all have been tremendously blessed and rewarded already! You don't have to walk 500 miles, but you do need to risk. When you risk, others see and sense your vulnerability, and most people identify with that. The rewards are great. Take a stand against fear in the media, take a stand against fear in the news, take a stand against fear that others consciously spread...take a stand against fear. Sometimes fear is good, but discern between "good" and "bad" fear. Is fear keeping you in "the box"? Is fear keeping you from a richer relationship with God? Is fear isolating you from your neighbor? Is fear causing you to vote a certain way? Is fear keeping you in the house? Does fear keep you from living a fuller life- one where your faith and trust in God is your strength? I could go on, but I want you to take a good look at fear. Fear makes us retreat and recede, and under those conditions God cannot direct or bless us. God can only steer a moving ship, otherwise that rudder is just flopping around. Think about it..........
Good night and God bless,
You know that nice lady I wrote about yesterday named Laura? I am sitting on her couch typing this on her laptop! I walked back into town today from MacKerricher State Park- a beautiful walk, but I have to confess that my back between the shoulder blades hurts! I thought about a bike again, and also about :Laura's desire she voiced yesterday about me coming to her church. I thought I would be further down the road by Sunday, but here I am still! I went into her shop (The Posh Pauper) when I got into Fort Bragg. She smiled and was happy to see me. She introduced me to some friends that she said she was just talking to about me. I got to talking to her and told her that I was still contemplating a bike and that I had some other things to still take care of in town. She offered to let me spend the night and gave me a key to her shop and home!! Bless you Laura! She is going to take me to church tomorrow and is talking to the Pastor right now about letting me speak there. I got to talking to many of her good friends and found that one is from Lynwood, CA- where I was born and lived until I was 10! Most of her friends that came into the shop during the time I was visiting go to her church. They are all fine Christian ladies and it was so nice to see their friendship amongst themselves and to also have it shared with me. I feel very blessed by all my experiences so far.
I shopped around for some things I needed, and also visited the bike shop in town again. You all are probably getting tired of hearing this go-round about a bike. Bike, walk, bike, walk, bike.....?!? I will keep praying and thinking about it and He'll give me an answer some how, some way.
Last night I made dinner in camp and then went and sat by a light near the bathrooms so that I could write in my journal. As I returned to my campsite in the dark, I saw a small light just past my campsite. It was someone wearing a headlamp. We approached eachother and I said, "You must have got in late. Are you a cyclist?" He said yes and we introduced ourselves. His name is Gabriel and he is from Canada (Montreal, I believe). It was his 20th birthday! I grabbed the cookies I had just bought and said, "How about some birthday cookies?" We sat at his picnic table and talked about a lot of things until about 11 pm. He had bought an older 10-speed bike and hopped on it in Seattle and decided to ride down to the Bay Area to get his girlfriend! Another amazing cyclist! He told me that he had already hitchhiked the width and breadth of Canada! This young man has already accomplished some amazing things. I found it very easy to talk to him and we talked about all sorts of things. I shared what I was doing with him, and I also shared what I believe and my faith in God with him. I am finding that it is a real blessing to both share my faith with someone, and also to hear them share their faith with me. We build each other up in our faith because we share a very powerful, common belief. That is another thing to be thankful for, isn't it? You know, I don't know what Gabriel looks like!!! It was dark and we both had our headlamps on. When we sat down, I turned mine off and he turned his to the side a bit. Under those conditions, you can't make out any details even across the table. This morning he slept in, and so I still don't know just what he looks like. Gabriel, if you are tuning in- thank you for the visit, and may God bless you richly my young friend!
My friend Karen from Fortuna moved to Santa Rosa several months ago. I have been in contact with her and she said that when I get down the coast by Santa Rosa, she will come out to the coast and camp with me! That will be nice! Thank you Karen!
When this walk (or ride- who knows?) is over, somehow, somewhere, sometime--and I return home to Ferndale, I don't know what I will do then. I have been saying that I will see what God has in store for me then- we will see. However, there is one thing that I want to do, and that is to be much more hospitable to others- in my own home, wherever that may be. My home does not have to be quiet and lonely anymore.
I encourage you all to take a stand against fear today. Find something that scares you and lean in to it. Push against it. Give it to God and invest a little more trust in Him. Look in the mirror and look for fear deep down in those eyes. Bring it to the surface and look at it. Is anything too big for God to handle? We can't conquer all our fears today, but with each small fear we conquer, we get stronger and braver. We are afraid to put ourselves out there- in a place where we may have to trust someone, a stranger. Sometimes we get burned, but look at all the times when we don't get burned- in fact, we get blessed! What I am putting out there, and the risks I have taken...all have been tremendously blessed and rewarded already! You don't have to walk 500 miles, but you do need to risk. When you risk, others see and sense your vulnerability, and most people identify with that. The rewards are great. Take a stand against fear in the media, take a stand against fear in the news, take a stand against fear that others consciously spread...take a stand against fear. Sometimes fear is good, but discern between "good" and "bad" fear. Is fear keeping you in "the box"? Is fear keeping you from a richer relationship with God? Is fear isolating you from your neighbor? Is fear causing you to vote a certain way? Is fear keeping you in the house? Does fear keep you from living a fuller life- one where your faith and trust in God is your strength? I could go on, but I want you to take a good look at fear. Fear makes us retreat and recede, and under those conditions God cannot direct or bless us. God can only steer a moving ship, otherwise that rudder is just flopping around. Think about it..........
Good night and God bless,
Friday, October 8, 2010
Greetings from Fort Bragg, California! Friday, Oct 8, 2010
Hello there!
I've made it this far! I have to confess that I struggle with fear, doubt, and my backpack! This one is better, but it still is there! Thank you Sharon for writing my blogs for me.
I am camped at MacKerricher State Park, north of town. I walked in to town to take care of some business- such as what I am doing right now- writing to you. I also got a little more assertive and walked into the local newspaper office- they photographed me and did a short interview. As I left, I saw a small local TV studio, so I went in and the same thing! They videoed me for a small, local spot!
I'd like to share what is on my mind and heart. When I walk it is beautiful, but also lonely. I am alone with my thoughts and that can be difficult. That is when doubt and fear creep in. I can't say that I have come to terms with them. It seems to be an ongoing struggle. They are both practical and spiritual in nature. Practically, I worry about the road ahead- where will I stay when I get somewhere where there is nowhere to stay. I think about food and water. I think about the weather. I envy cyclists as they coast by. I confess that I am also in town to look into getting a bike- another struggle that I wrestle with. Spiritually I wrestle with what I am doing. Some people have said that I am "tempting" or "testing" God. I understand that because I wonder if I am also. Does God protect and guard and provide for those who voluntarily step out in faith? I hope so. I know that many of us find Him when we are forced to, you know, when your spouse dies, or you lose your job, or some other catastrophe......then we come to Him on our knees, knowing that He is the only One who answers. But what about the voluntary leap? That is what I struggle with. I don't think this whole thing is my idea, or is about me, but I am the one who is jumping. I am not the poster boy for faith and courage. This all shows me how lacking I am. I'm finding that the journey of faith is hard. I suppose I've always judged things and if they are meant to be by how they "flow" or how easily they come. So this Walk does not come easily. What does that mean? Is it "tempting" God, or is it that the walk of faith is hard? I think I know the answer. When you pay close attention to Jesus' words, you see that when you choose to really, truly, try to follow Him, He warns that it will be tough. I guess I wished it would be easier. Then to compound it, when it isn't easy, then I wonder if I am on the right track at all. I just wanted to share this with you all. There is no sense trying to hold my head up high and say that everything is OK when it isn't. It is good, but it is challenging. 'Course I guess I asked for a challenge! Be careful what you ask for, as they say, because you might get it!
Those are some of my thoughts and challenges. Now for some inspiring stuff. The people I've met are awesome! I can't even write about the all the people I've met in my short time out- there isn't enough space! When I get down, or feeling negative, God sends something or someone my way that is GOOD! We travelers have all agreed that TV has done us a disservice. TV reports on the fearful and the negative- not all of TV, but a lot of it- enough that it has implanted this fear and negativity into our minds. The world has plenty of bad in it, and with it, bad people, but it also has A LOT OF VERY GOOD PEOPLE!! I have met good people, brave people, kind people, and also notice a lot of people selfishly living in their own little world. Something that gets me down is the people driving on the road that don't even look my way when they drive only 3 feet away! The ones that do see my wave often don't wave back. You wouldn't think this is a big deal until you are in my shoes. I find myself thankful and encouraged by small things- things that aren't really that small- things like a smile, honk, and/or a wave, things like a spot of shade, things like the breeze created by a passing truck, things like a small creek that can provide water. Our mode of transportation profoundly affects how we think. Think about that the next time you see someone walking or riding a bike. You can tell by looking at them that that is their only source of transportation. The homeless and the traveler need our kindness. Now about the inspiring people!!!! Last night I met a cycling couple from Spain. They are on the "Pan-American" tour. They started in June in Anchorage, Alaska, and are on their way to Argentina!!! They often don't know where they will end up at night- they go on faith. Last night there was a woman cyclist traveling solo from Portland, OR down to LA. She has also biked solo through Asia! I keep finding that I am the "baby" traveler out here- although they all acknowledge that carrying a pack and walking is pretty crazy too!! I struggle with my fears and doubts, and then I meet up with these cyclists, and that both renews and challenges me. They are very encouraging. I am continually blown away by their courage, faith, and abilities....... my heartfelt thank-you goes out to all of you cyclists.
Then there are the fellow believers that strengthen me along the way. A man by the name of Ron stopped me on the Leggett hill and asked if I wanted a ride. I said no, but I indicated that I would like to talk to him. I told him what I was up to and he wrote a generous check to the Coder children! Then, when I logged in here to check my e-mail, he had sent me a note giving me his address and phone number in the Bay Area, along with an invitation to look him up or call if I needed help! God bless you Ron! Today, I went into the bowling alley for a big, greasy cheeseburger for lunch. I got to talking to the waitress/cook named Bonnie. What a sweet heart! I told her what I was up to and shared some of my thoughts and feelings with her. She shared her faith with me and I thanked her sincerely, because it came when I needed it. Later, down the street I was going to ask a lady who has a gift shop for some directions...she saw my banner signs, read the front one, and asked to know more!! She is one of the blessed few who have done so, and how thankful I am! We had a good talk and she bolstered my faith and prayed for me. She also said she would spread the word about The Walk at her church. She gave me her card and said to call if I needed anything! God bless you Laura! Further down the street I approached the local library in hopes of getting on line there- no luck, closed on Friday. I had a great visit with a lady named Beverly who was riding here scooter. As we talked, a young lady named Kate was locking up her bike. I told her that the library was closed. She was bummed out because, like me, she was hoping to use the internet there. It turns out that she is biking alone from Arcata to San Francisco on a little bike with a sleeping bag and a cloth bag hanging from the handlebars. The little bag holds her food, clothing and water....she certainly doesn't have all the stuff I am carrying! She said she sleeps along the road. I ask that you pray for this brave young lady. Some of you may think that she is crazy, or unwise...and you may think the same of the solo women cyclists I've met, and you may be right. But when you talk to them you see something else that is very refreshing and encouraging, and that is their belief in the goodness of their fellow man, and also their own courage and faith in action. Where are you when it comes to this? Xavier, the man from Spain, said that if you worry about everything that could happen, you'd never leave the house. So there are the "believers" out there. Some are Christian, some are not. Doesn't really matter to me- I'm not the judge. There is one thing I know, and that is that God's Kingdom can only be promoted by those who really believe. This life is not about us- what we want, how to get it, how to keep it... it is about loving God first by taking an honest look around and acknowledging that He is the only One who created everything there is. He alone provides the wind, the sun, the rain....everything that provides for all of our needs. He then provided His only Son, so that we could get to know Him personally again. What awesome things to be thankful for!! It is our selfishness and self-centeredness that breaks God's heart. You parents- you know how this feels. How do you feel when your child, or your children fight amongst themselves? How do you feel when you see them only thinking about themselves? It is not so hard to understand God's feelings when we put ourselves in His shoes, we know how He feels, don't we? Be appreciative and kind to your neighbors- we don't often realize just what a blessing our neighbors truly are!!
Well, I'm getting tired of typing! Please send me e-mails at craiggmesman@gmail.com Also please check out the Coder's Widows Mite website at www.number7widowsmite.org And please keep tuning in here. Please help me by spreading the word about The Walk. Many can be reached that way, and then the few who respond because they want to will be enough!! This is for those who are touched and want to help. There are many worthy causes out there, and if this one isn't for you, then find one that is! Thank you for your prayers- I appreciate and need them. Please pray for my family and for the Coders and the kids.
God bless you all,
I've made it this far! I have to confess that I struggle with fear, doubt, and my backpack! This one is better, but it still is there! Thank you Sharon for writing my blogs for me.
I am camped at MacKerricher State Park, north of town. I walked in to town to take care of some business- such as what I am doing right now- writing to you. I also got a little more assertive and walked into the local newspaper office- they photographed me and did a short interview. As I left, I saw a small local TV studio, so I went in and the same thing! They videoed me for a small, local spot!
I'd like to share what is on my mind and heart. When I walk it is beautiful, but also lonely. I am alone with my thoughts and that can be difficult. That is when doubt and fear creep in. I can't say that I have come to terms with them. It seems to be an ongoing struggle. They are both practical and spiritual in nature. Practically, I worry about the road ahead- where will I stay when I get somewhere where there is nowhere to stay. I think about food and water. I think about the weather. I envy cyclists as they coast by. I confess that I am also in town to look into getting a bike- another struggle that I wrestle with. Spiritually I wrestle with what I am doing. Some people have said that I am "tempting" or "testing" God. I understand that because I wonder if I am also. Does God protect and guard and provide for those who voluntarily step out in faith? I hope so. I know that many of us find Him when we are forced to, you know, when your spouse dies, or you lose your job, or some other catastrophe......then we come to Him on our knees, knowing that He is the only One who answers. But what about the voluntary leap? That is what I struggle with. I don't think this whole thing is my idea, or is about me, but I am the one who is jumping. I am not the poster boy for faith and courage. This all shows me how lacking I am. I'm finding that the journey of faith is hard. I suppose I've always judged things and if they are meant to be by how they "flow" or how easily they come. So this Walk does not come easily. What does that mean? Is it "tempting" God, or is it that the walk of faith is hard? I think I know the answer. When you pay close attention to Jesus' words, you see that when you choose to really, truly, try to follow Him, He warns that it will be tough. I guess I wished it would be easier. Then to compound it, when it isn't easy, then I wonder if I am on the right track at all. I just wanted to share this with you all. There is no sense trying to hold my head up high and say that everything is OK when it isn't. It is good, but it is challenging. 'Course I guess I asked for a challenge! Be careful what you ask for, as they say, because you might get it!
Those are some of my thoughts and challenges. Now for some inspiring stuff. The people I've met are awesome! I can't even write about the all the people I've met in my short time out- there isn't enough space! When I get down, or feeling negative, God sends something or someone my way that is GOOD! We travelers have all agreed that TV has done us a disservice. TV reports on the fearful and the negative- not all of TV, but a lot of it- enough that it has implanted this fear and negativity into our minds. The world has plenty of bad in it, and with it, bad people, but it also has A LOT OF VERY GOOD PEOPLE!! I have met good people, brave people, kind people, and also notice a lot of people selfishly living in their own little world. Something that gets me down is the people driving on the road that don't even look my way when they drive only 3 feet away! The ones that do see my wave often don't wave back. You wouldn't think this is a big deal until you are in my shoes. I find myself thankful and encouraged by small things- things that aren't really that small- things like a smile, honk, and/or a wave, things like a spot of shade, things like the breeze created by a passing truck, things like a small creek that can provide water. Our mode of transportation profoundly affects how we think. Think about that the next time you see someone walking or riding a bike. You can tell by looking at them that that is their only source of transportation. The homeless and the traveler need our kindness. Now about the inspiring people!!!! Last night I met a cycling couple from Spain. They are on the "Pan-American" tour. They started in June in Anchorage, Alaska, and are on their way to Argentina!!! They often don't know where they will end up at night- they go on faith. Last night there was a woman cyclist traveling solo from Portland, OR down to LA. She has also biked solo through Asia! I keep finding that I am the "baby" traveler out here- although they all acknowledge that carrying a pack and walking is pretty crazy too!! I struggle with my fears and doubts, and then I meet up with these cyclists, and that both renews and challenges me. They are very encouraging. I am continually blown away by their courage, faith, and abilities....... my heartfelt thank-you goes out to all of you cyclists.
Then there are the fellow believers that strengthen me along the way. A man by the name of Ron stopped me on the Leggett hill and asked if I wanted a ride. I said no, but I indicated that I would like to talk to him. I told him what I was up to and he wrote a generous check to the Coder children! Then, when I logged in here to check my e-mail, he had sent me a note giving me his address and phone number in the Bay Area, along with an invitation to look him up or call if I needed help! God bless you Ron! Today, I went into the bowling alley for a big, greasy cheeseburger for lunch. I got to talking to the waitress/cook named Bonnie. What a sweet heart! I told her what I was up to and shared some of my thoughts and feelings with her. She shared her faith with me and I thanked her sincerely, because it came when I needed it. Later, down the street I was going to ask a lady who has a gift shop for some directions...she saw my banner signs, read the front one, and asked to know more!! She is one of the blessed few who have done so, and how thankful I am! We had a good talk and she bolstered my faith and prayed for me. She also said she would spread the word about The Walk at her church. She gave me her card and said to call if I needed anything! God bless you Laura! Further down the street I approached the local library in hopes of getting on line there- no luck, closed on Friday. I had a great visit with a lady named Beverly who was riding here scooter. As we talked, a young lady named Kate was locking up her bike. I told her that the library was closed. She was bummed out because, like me, she was hoping to use the internet there. It turns out that she is biking alone from Arcata to San Francisco on a little bike with a sleeping bag and a cloth bag hanging from the handlebars. The little bag holds her food, clothing and water....she certainly doesn't have all the stuff I am carrying! She said she sleeps along the road. I ask that you pray for this brave young lady. Some of you may think that she is crazy, or unwise...and you may think the same of the solo women cyclists I've met, and you may be right. But when you talk to them you see something else that is very refreshing and encouraging, and that is their belief in the goodness of their fellow man, and also their own courage and faith in action. Where are you when it comes to this? Xavier, the man from Spain, said that if you worry about everything that could happen, you'd never leave the house. So there are the "believers" out there. Some are Christian, some are not. Doesn't really matter to me- I'm not the judge. There is one thing I know, and that is that God's Kingdom can only be promoted by those who really believe. This life is not about us- what we want, how to get it, how to keep it... it is about loving God first by taking an honest look around and acknowledging that He is the only One who created everything there is. He alone provides the wind, the sun, the rain....everything that provides for all of our needs. He then provided His only Son, so that we could get to know Him personally again. What awesome things to be thankful for!! It is our selfishness and self-centeredness that breaks God's heart. You parents- you know how this feels. How do you feel when your child, or your children fight amongst themselves? How do you feel when you see them only thinking about themselves? It is not so hard to understand God's feelings when we put ourselves in His shoes, we know how He feels, don't we? Be appreciative and kind to your neighbors- we don't often realize just what a blessing our neighbors truly are!!
Well, I'm getting tired of typing! Please send me e-mails at craiggmesman@gmail.com Also please check out the Coder's Widows Mite website at www.number7widowsmite.org And please keep tuning in here. Please help me by spreading the word about The Walk. Many can be reached that way, and then the few who respond because they want to will be enough!! This is for those who are touched and want to help. There are many worthy causes out there, and if this one isn't for you, then find one that is! Thank you for your prayers- I appreciate and need them. Please pray for my family and for the Coders and the kids.
God bless you all,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Craig is again out of internet country. He made 16 miles today! His feet are aching but he sounds happy. He found a KOA in Westport to stay in tonight, he was able to get a shower and shave there too! Good thing! He has the sound of the ocean to lull him to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow he can get on line and share his stories with us all. Please keep the Coders and Craig in your prayers. Don't forget you can leave him comments too!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tuesday - October 5th 2010
Craig called and reported he had a very nice day today, he was excited to see some large salmon in the river. Leggett Hill was much easier then he had anticipated. Tonight he will stay at mile marker 94.1 Sounds interesting, definitely no internet access :o) God Bless my friend.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I'm headed out again! Monday, Oct 4, 2010
I'm heading back out on the road with a new backpack. This one fits and feels much better! I will be taking Hwy 1 at Leggett and heading down the coast. Emily is going to pick me up at home soon and deliver me down to where she picked me up. Thank you Em!
I succeeded in posting some pictures on my Facebook page. Please have a look. They are in my Photo tab and there are two albums- one is The Walk, and the other is of the children in Honduras.
Everyone have a good day! I don't know when I will be able to update this again, so keep trying. Thank you for checking in and for your support.
God Bless,
I'm heading back out on the road with a new backpack. This one fits and feels much better! I will be taking Hwy 1 at Leggett and heading down the coast. Emily is going to pick me up at home soon and deliver me down to where she picked me up. Thank you Em!
I succeeded in posting some pictures on my Facebook page. Please have a look. They are in my Photo tab and there are two albums- one is The Walk, and the other is of the children in Honduras.
Everyone have a good day! I don't know when I will be able to update this again, so keep trying. Thank you for checking in and for your support.
God Bless,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday, Oct 3, 2010. Getting ready to hit the road again!
Hello everyone!
I'm getting ready to hit the road again tomorrow.....I'd like to share a few things first. You know from my last blog that I was considering changing to a bike. I spent the day on Friday gathering facts and figures- I looked at bikes and all the associated gear, as well as a new, better backpack. I prayed for guidance, as I was finding that it was not an easy choice. Cycling would be easier, but costlier and quicker. I haven't looked to make this walk too hard, but I don't want it to be too easy either. If I stuck with walking, I have all the gear (except a pack that truly fits me!) and would remain true to "The Walk". However, the area between my shoulder blades was suffering, and that couldn't be denied. I struggled all day...and prayed for guidance- walk or ride. In the afternoon I went to a bookstore and found a book on cycling the west coast. It spelled out the entire Canada to Mexico trip in 50-mile increments. Each day began and ended at a good place to stay. What I found when I read this guide was that I became more unnerved. I want to confess to you that I am not the poster boy for faith and courage! My greatest concern is what to do every evening- where to stay along Highway 1- the route that I am going to take along the coast. So far that has not actually been a problem in the week I've been out. But it still is on my mind. So when I read this guide, I thought, "I'm only going to be able to do around 15 miles per day, so what about those segments between the 50 mile end points?" Know what I mean? What is within that 50 mile section? Friday evening I was driving along and the answer came to me. I realized that I was letting fear get control again. I was trying to replan the trip to make it easier and to alleviate my fears. I was trying to take the wheel back. I recalled that this trip was not only to raise funds for the children in Honduras, but it was also to build my faith and courage. I looked at the couple I helped on Thursday- they had no idea that the man they passed walking would be the one to drive them both and their gear down the road! I thought about the conversations that I have had with cyclists telling me about all the kind and helpful people they have experienced- and my experiences thus far have confirmed that. I recalled the Israelites in their exodus from Egypt, and how God had saved them with great miracles and had always sustained them in the wilderness. You remember the story and how it went...it is easy to look at those people and condemn them for their lack of faith and trust. They, as we, experience God's providence yesterday and today, yet how hard it is to trust that He will provide tomorrow. I say this because it is a confession on my part- I am guilty of the same. God finally lost patience with His people, and that is why they had to wander for 40 years- remember? What I am finding is that to seek faith and courage is not a "nice" thing to do, but is something that borders on a command to do. We are to trust our Father completely. Easy to say, hard to do. So anyway, I went and bought a very good backpack on Saturday. My sincere thank you to a young man named John, who spent much quality time with me fitting a pack to my short torso! Thank you John, if you are reading this! I have culled a few more things from my pack to reduce weight and volume. The hardest thing to part with is my netbook computer. I will trust instead that some kind souls along the way will let me use their computer and internet access to update this blog. Right now I would like to put out a call and request to you all- I am open to be put up for the night by any of your willing friends or family who might live along Hwy 1. I especially would like this in the urban areas around San Francisco. I am taking the 1 instead of the 101 because it is cooler, more scenic, has less traffic, and has many more campgrounds. I will probably be turning onto the 1 at Leggett on Tuesday morning.
On Saturday my friend Rebecca Kimbel did a videotape interview of me. I told the story of the Coders, the children, and the Walk. She is going to try to get it aired on Humboldt Access- local public television. She has connections there. It will have some length- I talked for 30 to 40 minutes! Can you imagine that?!? And to think I used to be terrified of public speaking! Now you can't shut me up! So if it is going to air, it will be sometime in the future. How's that for pinning that down? I figure it's either going to rain or it isn't...(I'm studying to be a weather man!).
Today I went to church in Ferndale at my old church from many years ago where my baby daughter was baptized. Our Saviors Lutheran Church. It was like stepping back in time! It hadn't changed, and many of the same people were there! I was intending to keep a low profile, but a lady I knew found out what I was up to, then stood up to introduce me at the coffee hour and next thing I knew I was standing up talking!! Imagine that!! I shared the Coder story, well-drilling, the children, the Walk, and how they could help, if they were interested. It was a great service and once again- the people were great. Thank you, Our Saviors!!!
Today I will continue packing and repacking until I get it right. So far this pack feels much better. I hope to "become one with the pack." Please pray (no joke)! You know, in my experience so far, with the people in the news that are walking, paddling, etc, and the people I've met who are walking and biking, I am the baby! They are all doing far greater things than me. I remember them, and I especially remember the children, and what they have already experienced in their short lives on the streets and in the orphanage... and I have no excuses. Please pray for us all- the Coders, their children, me, my fellow travelers, and all of us who need to lean forward and step into faith and courage. Friends, right now is the time we need to do this.....look around.
How about some pictures instead of just listening to me talk???? How does that sound?
I'm getting ready to hit the road again tomorrow.....I'd like to share a few things first. You know from my last blog that I was considering changing to a bike. I spent the day on Friday gathering facts and figures- I looked at bikes and all the associated gear, as well as a new, better backpack. I prayed for guidance, as I was finding that it was not an easy choice. Cycling would be easier, but costlier and quicker. I haven't looked to make this walk too hard, but I don't want it to be too easy either. If I stuck with walking, I have all the gear (except a pack that truly fits me!) and would remain true to "The Walk". However, the area between my shoulder blades was suffering, and that couldn't be denied. I struggled all day...and prayed for guidance- walk or ride. In the afternoon I went to a bookstore and found a book on cycling the west coast. It spelled out the entire Canada to Mexico trip in 50-mile increments. Each day began and ended at a good place to stay. What I found when I read this guide was that I became more unnerved. I want to confess to you that I am not the poster boy for faith and courage! My greatest concern is what to do every evening- where to stay along Highway 1- the route that I am going to take along the coast. So far that has not actually been a problem in the week I've been out. But it still is on my mind. So when I read this guide, I thought, "I'm only going to be able to do around 15 miles per day, so what about those segments between the 50 mile end points?" Know what I mean? What is within that 50 mile section? Friday evening I was driving along and the answer came to me. I realized that I was letting fear get control again. I was trying to replan the trip to make it easier and to alleviate my fears. I was trying to take the wheel back. I recalled that this trip was not only to raise funds for the children in Honduras, but it was also to build my faith and courage. I looked at the couple I helped on Thursday- they had no idea that the man they passed walking would be the one to drive them both and their gear down the road! I thought about the conversations that I have had with cyclists telling me about all the kind and helpful people they have experienced- and my experiences thus far have confirmed that. I recalled the Israelites in their exodus from Egypt, and how God had saved them with great miracles and had always sustained them in the wilderness. You remember the story and how it went...it is easy to look at those people and condemn them for their lack of faith and trust. They, as we, experience God's providence yesterday and today, yet how hard it is to trust that He will provide tomorrow. I say this because it is a confession on my part- I am guilty of the same. God finally lost patience with His people, and that is why they had to wander for 40 years- remember? What I am finding is that to seek faith and courage is not a "nice" thing to do, but is something that borders on a command to do. We are to trust our Father completely. Easy to say, hard to do. So anyway, I went and bought a very good backpack on Saturday. My sincere thank you to a young man named John, who spent much quality time with me fitting a pack to my short torso! Thank you John, if you are reading this! I have culled a few more things from my pack to reduce weight and volume. The hardest thing to part with is my netbook computer. I will trust instead that some kind souls along the way will let me use their computer and internet access to update this blog. Right now I would like to put out a call and request to you all- I am open to be put up for the night by any of your willing friends or family who might live along Hwy 1. I especially would like this in the urban areas around San Francisco. I am taking the 1 instead of the 101 because it is cooler, more scenic, has less traffic, and has many more campgrounds. I will probably be turning onto the 1 at Leggett on Tuesday morning.
On Saturday my friend Rebecca Kimbel did a videotape interview of me. I told the story of the Coders, the children, and the Walk. She is going to try to get it aired on Humboldt Access- local public television. She has connections there. It will have some length- I talked for 30 to 40 minutes! Can you imagine that?!? And to think I used to be terrified of public speaking! Now you can't shut me up! So if it is going to air, it will be sometime in the future. How's that for pinning that down? I figure it's either going to rain or it isn't...(I'm studying to be a weather man!).
Today I went to church in Ferndale at my old church from many years ago where my baby daughter was baptized. Our Saviors Lutheran Church. It was like stepping back in time! It hadn't changed, and many of the same people were there! I was intending to keep a low profile, but a lady I knew found out what I was up to, then stood up to introduce me at the coffee hour and next thing I knew I was standing up talking!! Imagine that!! I shared the Coder story, well-drilling, the children, the Walk, and how they could help, if they were interested. It was a great service and once again- the people were great. Thank you, Our Saviors!!!
Today I will continue packing and repacking until I get it right. So far this pack feels much better. I hope to "become one with the pack." Please pray (no joke)! You know, in my experience so far, with the people in the news that are walking, paddling, etc, and the people I've met who are walking and biking, I am the baby! They are all doing far greater things than me. I remember them, and I especially remember the children, and what they have already experienced in their short lives on the streets and in the orphanage... and I have no excuses. Please pray for us all- the Coders, their children, me, my fellow travelers, and all of us who need to lean forward and step into faith and courage. Friends, right now is the time we need to do this.....look around.
How about some pictures instead of just listening to me talk???? How does that sound?
Cesar, Pedro, and Rosa (siblings). What nice smiles!
Mauricio, Angel, and Fabiola (siblings). More beautiful smiles!!
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Antonio!! All by his lonesome (no sibs), but now part of a loving family! |
Bob and Joyce Coder (a handsome couple!) These are some courageous, faithful, and committed folks!
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Me and my friend Sharon. Thank you for everything Miss Sharon!! |
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Me and my friend Emily (Sharon's daughter). Thank you Em!!!! |
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Nice view from my friend Chris's home above Benbow! |
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Me on Hwy 271 above the Eel River- nice, huh? |
So now I am back to talking again! I am now going to try to post a bunch of pictures on Facebook, so look there (Craig Mesman of Ferndale, CA) I am not a whiz at all this stuff, so be patient!
I think I have finally learned how to post a link the right way (instead of asking you to cut and paste), so now here is the link to Bob and Joyce's children's home in Honduras. Please go there to learn about these people and how you can help them. You can help me by spreading the word. Their site is: www.number7widowsmite.org
Okay, I'm getting tired of writing now! I have to get back to work and preparation for tomorrow...
God Bless,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Surprise!!!!!! Today is Friday, Oct 1 and I'm sitting at my computer at home!!
Surprise!! I'm at home right now. Em came and picked me up just south of the new Confusion Hill bridge last night. Let me explain...................
On Wednesday evening my good friend Sharon found me as she was coming home from visiting her parents down south. She picked me up and delivered me to Richardson Grove State Park, and fed me too!! It was great to see her. Thank you Sharon! I got up in the morning and headed out- another beautiful day. Very sunny and very warm. I am pleased with my body- my feet and legs are doing well! I am actually doing very well with the sun and the heat too, which is surprising since I am fair-skinned and don't do well in the sun or the heat! Someone upstairs is helping! However, the pack is heavy and uncomfortable, as it has been the whole way so far. At Richardson's Grove I found that the metal bars inside my pack had already pushed out through the bottom of their pockets, and would soon wear through the bottom of the pack and dig into the back of my legs. So I took them out and left them! As I was walking along beautiful Hwy 271, which runs parallel to Hwy 101, I had to take frequent stops, as the pack was hurting between my shoulders. I thought about what I could get rid of and it occurred to me that I could send my netbook computer home- I could probably use other people's computers along the way. I love walking, but it is hard to enjoy the journey when experiencing continual discomfort. I have not been able to become "one with the pack." I sat under an overpass and sent a text to Sharon. It said, "I am seriously considering a bike." She called back right away and was very supportive. "We can get you a new pack, or a bike, whatever we need to do." Thank you Sharon! Down the road I got to talking to a man named Charlie. I told him what I was up to and my experiences, and he said, "Have you ever heard of cowboy logic?" I replied "yes." He said, "Cowboy logic would be to get a bike." So now I'm walking along and my phone rings. It is Sharon and she says, "How about we have Em come and get you tonight so that you can make adjustments?" I said okay. I continued along and got back on the 101. As I was taking a break along the road I saw a pair of cyclists on the other side heading south. The woman was up front and waved as she went by, then the man following gave me a "ringy-dingy" on his bike bell! Little things like that are very encouraging when out like I am. I find myself thankful for things like shade, a breeze, WATER, other people, even passing cars and the breeze that provides! Anyways, I crossed a bridge that is just north of the new Confusion Hill bridge and I saw the cyclists along the side of the road up ahead- the ones that had just passed me a short while ago. I got closer and saw that she was standing along the road with her thumb up- to try to hitch a ride. I came up to them and asked what was going on- I was a little confused about a cyclist thumbing a ride!! We introduced ourselves and they are a young married couple named Dan and Morenys from the U.K. They were living in Canada, where they gave up their jobs and apartment to do this trip. They had started up in Canada and had not taken a rest day yet! When I found them, Morenys had just "hit the wall" and had broke down a bit. She just couldn't face going up the hill ahead and was hoping for a ride from someone who would take her and her bike up. I told them that I had a friend that was coming to pick me up soon. I called Em and caught her only about 10 minutes before she was to leave in her car! I asked Em to get my truck instead. Dan left Morenys with me as he traveled down the road, with the arrangement of meeting us up ahead. In the meantime I had a great visit with Morenys as we waited. They are up against a strict schedule of getting to San Francisco by a certain time so they can make their train. She was looking at 70 to 80 mile days- longer than they had had, and when she was already pooped! Dan wanted to be able to do the entire route; Morenys was willing to take a bus ahead! So Em showed up and we loaded up Morenys and myself and headed down the road to meet Dan. To shorten the story, Dan accepted my offer to take them about 60 miles south to Willits. We got there and had dinner together and had a great time. They rented a motel room. I could tell that Dan was disappointed that he was "passing up" that 60 miles, but that gave them an extra day and allowed them to stay together and be back on time. They thanked Em and I immensely, but it was a pleasure to help them out. We talked about my considering switching to a bike and they were very supportive and helpful with tips and advice. They told me that many people along the way would stop and ask them about where they came from and where they were going. They said that, along with my banner signs, would be a great way to get the conversation going about the Coder Kids. So today I am going to pray, and to look into my options. I may get another pack, or I may get a bike with a trailer. I know that Hwy 1 is more isolated than the 101, but it has many more campsites and the opportunity for friendship with other cyclists. Carrying enough food and not knowing where more is available is, I admit, a significant concern with me. But it makes me think about those children and when they lived on the streets in Honduras. Use your imagination- you know what I mean. So, bless you Dan and Morenys- may you have a great trip and a wonderful life together wherever you find your new home in the U.K.!!!! Thank you again Em......and to everyone else who has been so hospitable to me! It is humbling and refreshing........
Whew! Is that a long explanation or what?!? Now, check something out that is great!!!! Go to the Widows Mite blog at www.number7widowsmite.org (cut and paste in your browser) and read Bob's blog for Wed, Sept. 29, 2010. He is responding to when I finally told him what I was up to- which I just did on Wed morning. Please go to it and read it. I also ask all of you to be creative in finding ways to help raise funds for these children. It is a team effort- I am doing what I can, so I ask you to please use your gifts and abilities to figure out ways you can reach people. I don't want people to feel guilty or obligated. This is for people who are touched and want to help. What the Coders need is regular, dependable support, even if it is small. Thank you and bless you............
Lastly, I was interviewed on local channel 3 a number of days ago. If you are interested, you can view it on line by going to the following address:
http://kiem-tv.com/?q=node/1023 (cut and paste in your browser)
Wow! Are you done listening to me now?!?
Thank you and God bless you,
Craig (don't forget to leave comments or e-mail me at craiggmesman@gmail.com)
On Wednesday evening my good friend Sharon found me as she was coming home from visiting her parents down south. She picked me up and delivered me to Richardson Grove State Park, and fed me too!! It was great to see her. Thank you Sharon! I got up in the morning and headed out- another beautiful day. Very sunny and very warm. I am pleased with my body- my feet and legs are doing well! I am actually doing very well with the sun and the heat too, which is surprising since I am fair-skinned and don't do well in the sun or the heat! Someone upstairs is helping! However, the pack is heavy and uncomfortable, as it has been the whole way so far. At Richardson's Grove I found that the metal bars inside my pack had already pushed out through the bottom of their pockets, and would soon wear through the bottom of the pack and dig into the back of my legs. So I took them out and left them! As I was walking along beautiful Hwy 271, which runs parallel to Hwy 101, I had to take frequent stops, as the pack was hurting between my shoulders. I thought about what I could get rid of and it occurred to me that I could send my netbook computer home- I could probably use other people's computers along the way. I love walking, but it is hard to enjoy the journey when experiencing continual discomfort. I have not been able to become "one with the pack." I sat under an overpass and sent a text to Sharon. It said, "I am seriously considering a bike." She called back right away and was very supportive. "We can get you a new pack, or a bike, whatever we need to do." Thank you Sharon! Down the road I got to talking to a man named Charlie. I told him what I was up to and my experiences, and he said, "Have you ever heard of cowboy logic?" I replied "yes." He said, "Cowboy logic would be to get a bike." So now I'm walking along and my phone rings. It is Sharon and she says, "How about we have Em come and get you tonight so that you can make adjustments?" I said okay. I continued along and got back on the 101. As I was taking a break along the road I saw a pair of cyclists on the other side heading south. The woman was up front and waved as she went by, then the man following gave me a "ringy-dingy" on his bike bell! Little things like that are very encouraging when out like I am. I find myself thankful for things like shade, a breeze, WATER, other people, even passing cars and the breeze that provides! Anyways, I crossed a bridge that is just north of the new Confusion Hill bridge and I saw the cyclists along the side of the road up ahead- the ones that had just passed me a short while ago. I got closer and saw that she was standing along the road with her thumb up- to try to hitch a ride. I came up to them and asked what was going on- I was a little confused about a cyclist thumbing a ride!! We introduced ourselves and they are a young married couple named Dan and Morenys from the U.K. They were living in Canada, where they gave up their jobs and apartment to do this trip. They had started up in Canada and had not taken a rest day yet! When I found them, Morenys had just "hit the wall" and had broke down a bit. She just couldn't face going up the hill ahead and was hoping for a ride from someone who would take her and her bike up. I told them that I had a friend that was coming to pick me up soon. I called Em and caught her only about 10 minutes before she was to leave in her car! I asked Em to get my truck instead. Dan left Morenys with me as he traveled down the road, with the arrangement of meeting us up ahead. In the meantime I had a great visit with Morenys as we waited. They are up against a strict schedule of getting to San Francisco by a certain time so they can make their train. She was looking at 70 to 80 mile days- longer than they had had, and when she was already pooped! Dan wanted to be able to do the entire route; Morenys was willing to take a bus ahead! So Em showed up and we loaded up Morenys and myself and headed down the road to meet Dan. To shorten the story, Dan accepted my offer to take them about 60 miles south to Willits. We got there and had dinner together and had a great time. They rented a motel room. I could tell that Dan was disappointed that he was "passing up" that 60 miles, but that gave them an extra day and allowed them to stay together and be back on time. They thanked Em and I immensely, but it was a pleasure to help them out. We talked about my considering switching to a bike and they were very supportive and helpful with tips and advice. They told me that many people along the way would stop and ask them about where they came from and where they were going. They said that, along with my banner signs, would be a great way to get the conversation going about the Coder Kids. So today I am going to pray, and to look into my options. I may get another pack, or I may get a bike with a trailer. I know that Hwy 1 is more isolated than the 101, but it has many more campsites and the opportunity for friendship with other cyclists. Carrying enough food and not knowing where more is available is, I admit, a significant concern with me. But it makes me think about those children and when they lived on the streets in Honduras. Use your imagination- you know what I mean. So, bless you Dan and Morenys- may you have a great trip and a wonderful life together wherever you find your new home in the U.K.!!!! Thank you again Em......and to everyone else who has been so hospitable to me! It is humbling and refreshing........
Whew! Is that a long explanation or what?!? Now, check something out that is great!!!! Go to the Widows Mite blog at www.number7widowsmite.org (cut and paste in your browser) and read Bob's blog for Wed, Sept. 29, 2010. He is responding to when I finally told him what I was up to- which I just did on Wed morning. Please go to it and read it. I also ask all of you to be creative in finding ways to help raise funds for these children. It is a team effort- I am doing what I can, so I ask you to please use your gifts and abilities to figure out ways you can reach people. I don't want people to feel guilty or obligated. This is for people who are touched and want to help. What the Coders need is regular, dependable support, even if it is small. Thank you and bless you............
Lastly, I was interviewed on local channel 3 a number of days ago. If you are interested, you can view it on line by going to the following address:
http://kiem-tv.com/?q=node/1023 (cut and paste in your browser)
Wow! Are you done listening to me now?!?
Thank you and God bless you,
Craig (don't forget to leave comments or e-mail me at craiggmesman@gmail.com)
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